[b-greek] Re: New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek NT

From: Jonathan Robie (jonathan.robie@softwareag.com)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 18:43:18 EST

At 11:22 AM 11/30/2001 -0800, B. D. Colt wrote:
>In a recent visit to Amazon.com, a recommendation they made was
>"New Linguistic and Exegetical key to the Greek New Testament," Fritz
>Rienecker, Cleon L. Rogers, Jr., and Cleon L. Rogers III. Several
>reviewers recommended it, although a couple of them commented on
>errors, and one complained that the translators had made some of the
>comments on meaning "too Baptist."
>I should like to have the advice of list members concerning this. I
>already have Zerwick and Grosvenor. The price is reasonable, so my
>concern is only with the usefulness of the book. If it clarifies obscure
>grammatical points and idiomatic features, it would probably be
>valuable to me.

The New Linguistic and Exegetical key is definitely a useful book, with a
very similar purpose to Zerwick and Grosvenor, but a very different slant.
It goes *way* beyond the original Linguistic Key, and it references a lot
of literature for further reference.

I find that I use Zerwick and Grosvenor a lot more. Part of this is just
the physical sizes of the two books, but I think that I also appreciate the
fact that Zerwick and Grosvenor have a different take on things than I grew
up with. With the New Linguistic and Exegetical key, I often feel that the
interpretation is what I would have expected. At any rate, I generally like
to have a heterogeneous set of reference works, and perhaps someone who
grew up in a different tradition would feel the same way about Rienecker
and Rogers2 that I do about Zerwick and Grosvenor.


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