[b-greek] Re: Thayer - Mt 4:10 - A concrete example.

From: Rick Stamp (rickstamp@gmx.net)
Date: Sun Dec 23 2001 - 23:41:50 EST

One place I differ now based on other works is the interpretation of hUPER
in 1 Cor. 15:29.
Carlton Winbery
Louisiana College

Thanks for the example. Perhaps I do not understand a subtle distinction
between the treatment of hUPER in Grimm/Thayer versus BDAG.

BDAG, page 1030-1031 appears to categorize this as:

"c. In place of, instead of, in the name of." BDAG does say that 1Cor
15:29a is _debated_ but aside from this I don't see much difference from
Grimm/Thayer which also has the gloss "in the place of, instead of."

Rick Stamp

Rick Stamp

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