[b-greek] Re: ESV

From: George Athas (gathas@hotkey.net.au)
Date: Sat Jan 05 2002 - 09:10:13 EST

| People are also saying that it is a great version because it preserves the
| ambiguities of the original, but this is true only to a degree. In many
| places they have made the meaning explicit, despite the publicity that they
| do not.
| It seems to me that this version is so simialr to the RSV that it should be
| called The Extremely Similar Version.

Yes and No. Yes, it is extremely similar to the RSV (but with updated lingo) -- that, I think, is
its strength. It does not go so far in the literal direction as to be unredeemably awkward at times
(a la NASB), but it does preserve ambiguities that other contemporary versions don't.

It gets my vote for the English translation to use.

Best regards,

(Sydney, Australia)

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