[b-greek] Re: A Greek Bible

From: Glen L Naftaniel (glensmail@juno.com)
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 17:33:02 EST

Dear Jane,

I'm sure that others on this list can give a more complete answer to your
question then I can, but I have two different Greek New Testaments.

1. Greek New Testament-- By Dr. Eberhard Nestle Revised by Dr. Erwin
Nestle From the American Bible Society


2. The Greek New Testament-- Edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Bruce
M. Metzger and Allen Wikgren. It is also from the American Bible Society
(among other societies)

The first one has a few notes on the bottom of each page but they are
only consume about a half inch of the bottom of the page. The other N.T.
has more notes in it but the notes are very useful. They give
information on Variant readings and even rates the degree of certainty
they have about the renderings with an A, B, C, or D rating. also the
book is designed to be used in conjunction with "A Textual Commentary on
the Greek New Testament" and in that book they explain why they chose the
renderings that they did.

I hope this is useful,
Glen Naftaniel

New TestamentOn Wed, 23 Jan 2002 20:59:45 +0000 "Jesus Freak"
<janey_painy1@hotmail.com> writes:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking to buy a Bible with just the original Greek text in
> it... does
> anyone know if that even exists? If it does, where can I buy it
> from? I
> don't want an interlinear, or one with any extra study helps. Just
> something that I can sit down and read. I've been looking around
> for a
> while, but I can't seem to locate one.
> Thanks for your time. :)
> God bless,
> Jane Brazier
> England
> janey_painy1@hotmail.com
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