[b-greek] Re: Read or Study?

From: WFWarren@aol.com
Date: Sat Feb 02 2002 - 00:20:15 EST

One of the major impacts I've seen on students who perhaps will never take
more than a course or two in Greek is that they begin to recognize the
cross-cultural nature of understanding the New Testament. The exposure to
the text in a different language slows down their reading (painfully slow in
some instances) and forces them to think about the text in a different way.
Also, the process of learning vocabulary for Greek class helps them to see
the need to study the historical background and setting of the text as
sources of "new vocabulary" for understanding the text. To varying degrees
they come to the realizaion that the first century may be as foreign to them
as Greek is in reading the text. One of the results is that I'm able to
motivate Greek students regarding to the need for indepth study of the text
and its setting more easily than those who don't study Greek . Even if the
students never maintain their Greek, at least they tend to retain some of
this "lagniappe" (as we would say it here in South Louisiana) for their study
of the New Testament. Of course, my hope is that they will also continue to
pursue their study of Greek as well.


Bill Warren
Landrum P. Leavell, II, Professor of New Testament and Greek
Director of the Center for New Testament Textual Studies
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

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