[b-greek] Re: sinaiticus copies

From: Wieland Willker (willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de)
Date: Sat Feb 02 2002 - 03:25:04 EST

> Fellow Greek students, where can I find printed copies of Codex
> Sinaiticus that are realatively inexpensive?

AFAIK a facsimile is not available.

For transcripts check out:

Codex Sinaiticus
This text gives all the readings of the three most ancient codices – Alexandrinus,
Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.
This text is printed in accented Greek just as you know it from your UBS GNT. The variants
are printed in-between. Very well done, good paper and binding.
price: 41 Euro

"This text gives all the readings of the three most ancient codices – Alexandrinus,
Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. An ultra-literal English sublinear is provided. Readings variant
from the basic text are given in the superlinear."
[This text is printed in Scriptio Continua" all-Uncial letters, just as the originals.
Difficult to read of course, but worth the experience. Not so good paper.]
price: 18 $

PS: I have not checked the accuracy of these volumes, but it looks carefully done.

It is also always a good idea to check out the Reuben Swanson Greek NT Manuscript volumes,
which are still available for a good price at:
Strongly recommended. Everybody with an interest in GNT variants should have these!
price: 55$ for all 4 volumes of the Gospels.

Best wishes
Wieland Willker, Bremen, Germany

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