[b-greek] Re: 1 Jn 3:4 ANOMIA

From: James A. Gehman (jagehman@cantv.net)
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 09:53:48 EST

I think Braulio Barillas was on target. The United Bible Societies
Diccionario Conciso Griego-Español del Nuevo Testamento, prepared by Elsa
Tamez and Irene de Foulkes of Costa Rica lists "maldad, desobediencia,
pecado". If you do not have this dictionary, I suggest that you get it.
They have done a great job in translating all the NT vocabulary in what they
call "español moderno" . . . "con palabras del lenguaje diario."

"Descontrol" seems to me to have the connotation of lack of control or
discipline. Others on the list may confirm this, that ANOMIA is stronger in
its force than simply a lack of control or discipline.

James A. Gehman, M.A.
Misión Bíblica Menonita en Venezuela/International Ministries
Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana/Latin American Theological Fraternity
Seminario Evangélico de Caracas/Evangelical Seminary of Caracas
Caracas, Venezuela
Telefax/Venezuela fax: +58-212 241-5142
Habitación/Home: +58-212 241-2834

> I am working on a Greek/Spanish interlinear, currently of 1 John. As you
> know, this is quite different from writing a translation. My question
> with ANOMIA of 3:4. Since there is no equivalent in Spanish most of the
> translations I have translate this as, "infringe the law."
> However, I am not seeking a smooth translation that conveys the "idea of
> verse." I am looking for a suitable Spanish stand-alone-noun for my
> interlinear. Since "law" has an aspect of "control," would the negated
> (Spanish "descontrol") be fair to the Greek?
> Thanks in advance to any who wish to help me with this.
> Randall M. Tidmore
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