[b-greek] Re: Papyri and textual criticism

From: Wieland Willker (willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 09:39:47 EST

Michael Nicholls wrote:
> Who knows where one could get a hold of copies of texts? Are there
> microfilms which one can buy? If I wanted to look at the texts mentioned
> in the apparatus of the NA27, how would I go about it? e.g. copies of
> papyri, aleph, alexandrinus, etc.

Unfortunately the situation in this respect is relatively bad. You cannot
currently buy a cheap facsimile of one of the big codices. There is a really
good one out for Vaticanus, but this costs $5.000 (sic!). Of the papyri you
can buy b/w reproductions in book form of the Bodmer papyri (P66, P75...)
directly from the library, but nothing else AFAIK. The POxy volumes are of
course available in most libraries and the latest volumes are online. Most
of the online stuff can be found on my site at:

Of course you can write to the holding libraries and ask for a microfilm,
but this is very time consuming and expensive.

Best wishes
Wieland Willker, Bremen, Germany

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