[b-greek] RE: Greek computer programs

From: Penner (pennerkm@mcmaster.ca)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 11:11:21 EDT

QuickMem Greek does look great for learning Greek at the introductory
level, and the price is right!
When you need to move beyond words occurring 10 times or more in the New
Testament, or (as is more common at intermediate and advanced levels)
would like to be able to drill ALL the words in a given biblical
passage, or would like to include Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, German, and
French to your language repertoire, I invite you to try Flash! Pro. To
learn more:
http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/westerholm/flash (where you can
download a Beta version for testing) or
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flash_pro/join (for news and discussion)
or http://sensoft.nav.to

Ken Penner, M.C.S. (Biblical Languages, Greek Focus), M.A. (Hebrew
Ph.D. Student, McMaster University

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