[b-greek] Re: Textbooks for Principles of Exegesis Class

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 15:08:35 EST

on 2/26/01 11:25 AM, Brian Swedburg wrote:

> . . . much as list members have chafed at Wallace's overly neat categories, it
> has been my experience that young exegetes need to be challenged to consider
> the functions of the Greek syntax. They may need to move beyond Wallace's
> categories, but he is clear and articulate for the young Greek exegete.


Have you ever known anyone who has moved "beyond --- categories" once they
have been forced to learn them?

Why start off with a linguistically inadequate language model just so you
can go through all the trouble of unlearning it later?

Using these categories is going to flavor your whole approach doing NT
Greek. Most students will never "move beyond" them.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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