[b-greek] Re: Romans 1:16

From: Glenn Blank (glennblank@earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 19:02:33 EST

>(This is rather insignificant, but above you say "to better
>understand." That is a split infinitive. It's best to avoid those.)
Insignificant indeed. Could we perhaps be a bit less particular with each
other's English grammar? After all, this is a Greek discussion list, not an
English discussion list. And besides that, the notion that the infinitive
should not be "split" is a Romance language rule (it is in fact impossible
to split a Latin or Greek infinitive, since it consists of a single verb
rather than the pariphrastic form of English) that English teachers trained
in the classics tried to impose on the English language. English is not a
Romance language, but a Saxon language.

glenn blank
Pensacola FL

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