[b-greek] Corrected reprint of Nestle-Aland

From: Wieland Willker (willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de)
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 06:22:31 EDT

After an old NA-26 (which I always had in my pocket) fell into pieces, I bought a new copy
of NA-27.
I noticed that it is the 8th corrected reprint (from 2001) and contains now also the
papyri up to P116. A cursory check shows that at least up to P112 they are also noted in
the apparatus. I also noted that other new uncials are added, e.g. 0303 in Lk. Good to see
that the apparatus is continuously improved.
Make sure that you get the latest corrected reprint.

Btw. for all Germans:
There is now a new edition of NA available, which has the Greek-German dictionary by
Kassühlke bound to it (35 Euros). Very helpful. Thanks to the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft!
ISBN: 3438051079

Best wishes
Wieland Willker, Bremen, Germany

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