[b-greek] Re: Luke 24:49

From: David Bielby (dbielby@juno.com)
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 10:15:23 EDT

Thank you for the reply. I'm sorry I didn't review the transliteration
policy before I posted. I have been poking around in Acts 1 & 2 and mixed
up the references. Acts 2:3 is the figurative useage of KAQIZW that I was
actually trying to refer to.

While I've been looking at this passage, I was reminded of one professors
angle on Acts 2 that I heard in the early 80's. He speculated that the
tongues of fire 'rested' on the disciples in a judging fashion...that they
were purifying them as well as empowering them...burning up the chaff.
Does KAQIZW potentially include this sense in that passage?

So here's a very basic question in response to Dr. Conrad's post. If
Thucydides uses the word this way, what are the implications when doing a
word study on this passage. What courses or books give basics on how to
apply the abbreviations and notes I see in my lexicons?

Thanks again.

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