[b-greek] NA27: 2 Cor 5.3?

From: Josephine K Dru (jkdru@Princeton.EDU)
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 22:04:05 EDT

Could somebody with access to the NA27 please e-mail me whether the editors
have elected to place ENDUSAMENOI or EKDUSAMENOI in the text proper?

Thanks for all your generous replies re: Col 3.8. To add my professor's
response, which I also found helpful:
"the overall construction contrasts 3,7 kai humeis pariepatesate pote and
3,8 nuni de apoqestqe kai humeis...; syntax and word order (a-b-c > c-b-a:
a neat chiasm) are clear" (F. Graf, 4/8/02)

His w/appreciation,
Josephine Dru

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