The Channel is a bimonthly newsmagazine distributed free to over 15,000 
residents and businesses in Richmond and the West Contral Costa County area. 
The Channel and its literary on-line journal, Currents  are also distributed on 
the Internet via the World Wide Web.

As an artist and writer who has lived in this area for twenty years, I started 
the paper in order to foster better communications among residents. I 
currently serve as editor, publisher, and columnist. 

The Channel covers the arts, history, and environmental and political issues 
relevant to the Richmond Area. Members of the community have contributed 
articles, artwork, and guest columns. Over a year old, The Channel is 
receiving very positive response from readers and advertisers.

Apprentices working in this program can become involved in many aspects of 
newspaper production, or they can focus on one single area, depending upon 
their interest and experience They will be able to learn useful skills such as 
fact checking, interviewing, reporting on local events, proofreading, and 

Apprentices will gain valuable exposure and experience from publishing their 
own articles and/ or photographs. Other areas of study include 
marketing/advertising sales (apprentices receive commission for advertising 
sales), bulk mailing, and distribution.

Apprentices should be organized, flexible, and self-motivated with a strong 
sense of humor. Macintosh or PC computer skills are important, as are knowlege 
of grammar, and a good command of English. 

Work will take place in our office on the Berkeley-Oakland border, and in the 
Richmond area, where we are planning to open a local office. Apprentice must 
have dependable transportation. If apprentices have access to a Macintosh 
computer, they can do some work at home. Some work can also be transmitted via 
e- mail.

The Channel is currently exploring the possibility of a profitsharing plan or 
partnership with motivated apprentices.
Number of apprentices: 2-3
Length of terms: six months to one year
Hours per week: 4-12
Locations: East Bay

Send email to attn: Deirdre to pursue this.