Software - RunCoach

This was added on July 26 1995. The Running Page makes no claim about this product. Product info is included as a public service. Appearance of products does not imply endorsement of product by The Running Page.


RunCoach helps coach people who are running, jogging or racing.  It is 
based on Artificial Intelligence techniques and can produce an optimum 
training program tailored to the individual.  If you are just starting to 
run, want to enter a fun run or are an expert runner and want to  
improve your time then RunCoach can help.  First you enter some data 
about yourself,  then set a goal race (or ask RunCoach to suggest one), 
tell RunCoach when you can train and RunCoach will quickly generate 
a personalised training schedule.  It will also estimate how likely you 
are to succeed at your goal. Ver 0.90 was the first public release and
can be found as RUNCOACH.ZIP.  Ver 0.94  (RUNCO94B.ZIP) is the
latest (july 95) release.  It works in both miles or kms, has a better
understanding of the taper, has a series of running guides and has
a built in sports psych, so you can discuss any problems.  It is available
from a number of FTP sites but as an example try the following
Its running knowledge is extensive and includes the following:-   
   - internally classifies runners into five major groups   
   - takes into account age, experience, PB's, sex, training program etc   
   - able to select days of the week you can run, and your long run day   
   - provides feedback on whether you are capable of meeting your goal time   
   - can suggest goal's based on your individual ability   
   - provides a schedule even if RUNCOACH is sceptical you can reach your goal   
   - knows about VO2 max, anaerobic threshold, efficiency, long runs etc   
   - has many rules for minimising injury   
   - has a variety of individualised speedwork schedules built in    
   - understands periodisation and complex schedules and selects between them   
   - can predict race results for distances not previously run   
   - can produce a schedule for the complete beginner through to the elite