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Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont

PO Box 697, Bridge Street
Richmond, VT 05477

Phone: 802-434-4122

Website: http://www.nofavt.org

Contact: Kirsten Bower

Dues: Varies. Please call the office

Newsletter: The Natural Farmer, Quarterly, $10 for non-members within the US; $14 for non-members outside the US. Jack Kitteridge, editor JACKKITT@AOL.com (uppercase is important)

The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT) is a non-profit association of consumers, gardeners, and diversified farmers who share a vision of local, organic agriculture. Through education and member participation, NOFA-VT works to strengthen agriculture in Vermont.

NOFA was originally founded in Vermont and is the oldest organic farming association (1970) in the United States. There are currently seven independent state NOFA chapters and one NOFA Interstate Council in the Northeast.

NOFA-VT projects include the certification of organic products, an agriculture education program integrating agriculture curriculum into elementary schools as well as organic produce into school lunch programs, a Green Mountain Revolving Loan Fund to provide low interest loans to organic and transition farmers, promotion of organic products, an Apprenticeship & Willing Workers on Organic Farms program, bulk order of farm and garden supplies, and a Farm Share Program to provide food from organic community supported agriculture farms to low income families and individuals. In addition, we hold on farm summer workshops and an annual Winter Conference in February of each year.

NOFA Vermont publlishes NOFA Notes our own quarterly newsletter. The newsletter and The Natural Farmer are free to members.

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