Ok, here's a first shot at documenting the TDS protocol v 5.0 (This needs some serious work, so take everything with a grain of salt).

The packet format

All packets have an 8 byte header

   1 byte    1 byte     2 bytes      4 bytes
|  packet  |  last    | packet  |                    |
|   type   | packet   |  size	|    unknown         |
|          |indicator |         |                    |

packet type 
     0x04 for responses from server, 
     0x02 for login packet, 
     0x0F for query. 
     (could be a bitwise adding of flags)
last packet indicator 
     0x00 if more packets
     0x01 if last packet
packet size
     (in network byte order)
     always 0x00
     this has something to do with server to server communication/rpc stuff
Login Packet

Packet type (first byte) is 2. The following is from tds.h the numbers on the left are offsets including the packet header.

/*   8 */ DBCHAR  host_name[30];
/*  38 */ DBTINYINT       host_name_length;
/*  39 */ DBCHAR          user_name[30];
/*  69 */ DBTINYINT       user_name_length;
/*  70 */ DBCHAR  password[30];
/* 100 */ DBTINYINT       password_length;
/* 101 */ DBCHAR  host_process[30];
/* 131 */ DBTINYINT       host_process_length;
/* 132 */ DBCHAR  magic1[6]; /* here were most of the mystery stuff is */
/* 138 */ DBTINYINT bulk_copy; 
/* 139 */ DBCHAR  magic2[9]; /* here were most of the mystery stuff is */
/* 148 */ DBCHAR  app_name[30];
/* 178 */ DBTINYINT       app_name_length;
/* 179 */ DBCHAR  server_name[30];
/* 209 */ DBTINYINT       server_name_length;
/* 210 */ DBCHAR       magic3; /* 0, dont know this one either */
/* 211 */ DBTINYINT       password2_length;
/* 212 */ DBCHAR  password2[30];
/* 242 */ DBCHAR  magic4[223];
/* 465 */ DBTINYINT  password2_length_plus2;
/* 466 */ DBSMALLINT  major_version; /* TDS version */
/* 468 */ DBSMALLINT  minor_version; /* TDS version */
/* 470 */ DBCHAR  library_name[10]; /* Ct-Library or DB-Library */
/* 480 */ DBTINYINT  library_length; /* Ct-Library or DB-Library */
/* 481 */ DBSMALLINT  major_version2; /* program version */
/* 483 */ DBSMALLINT  minor_version2; /* program version */
/* 485 */ DBCHAR magic6[3]; /* ? last two octets are 13 and 17 */
                            /* bdw reports last two as 12 and 16 here */
                            /* possibly a bitset flag */
/* 488 */ DBCHAR language[30]; /* ie us-english */
/* second packet */
/*  14 */ DBTINYINT language_length; /* 10 in this case */
/*  15 */ DBCHAR magic7; /*  no clue... has 1 in the first octet */
                         /*  bdw reports 0x0 */ 
/*  16 */ DBSMALLINT old_secure; /* explaination? */
/*  18 */ DBTINYINT encrypted; /*  1 means encrypted all password fields blank */
/*  19 */ DBCHAR magic8; /*  no clue... zeros */
/*  20 */ DBCHAR sec_spare[9]; /* explaination */
/*  29 */ DBCHAR char_set[30]; /*  ie iso_1 */
/*  59 */ DBTINYINT char_set_length; /* 5 */ 
/*  60 */ DBTINYINT magic9; /* 1 */ 
/*  61 */ DBCHAR block_size[6]; /*  in text */
/*  67 */ DBTINYINT block_size_length; 
/*  68 */ DBCHAR magic10[25]; /* lots of stuff here...no clue */
Any help with the magic numbers would be most appreciated.

Server Responses

(Needs work)
Responses from the server start with a single octet (token) indentifying its type. If variable length, they generally have the length as the second and third bytes
Markers encountered thus far: (All number are decimal)

0x21    33   'Language packet?' **bdw**
0x71   113   'Logout Packet?' **bdw**
0x79   121   return status
0xAE   174   unknown (has one byte for each column, 
             comes between result(238) and first row(209), I believe computed
             column info is stored here, need to investigate)
0xD1   209   data row
0xD7   215   'param packet?' **bdw**
0xE2   226   'capability packet?' **bdw**
0xE3   227   environment change, used for database change, packet size, etc...
0xE5   229   message (handed to dberrhandle() func)
0xE6   230   'DBRPC?' **bdw**
0xEC   236   'param format packet?' **bdw**
0xEE   238   result set
0xFD   253   result set complete 
0xFE   254   end of data seen instead of 253 when executing stored proc
0xFF   255   unknown (second byte has been 'A' or 'Q')

Result Set (0xEE 238)
   1 byte    2 bytes   2 bytes   variable size
|          |         | number  |                    |
|  token   | length  |   of    |   column info      |
|          |         | columns |                    |

token              0xEE (238 decimal)
length             length of message following this field
number of columns  number of columns in the result set, this many column
                   information fields will follow.

Column Information

   1 byte         n bytes      1 byte    2 bytes   2 bytes   2 bytes
|  column  |     column      |         |  user   |         | column  |
|   name   |      name       | unknown |  type   | unknown |  type   |
|  length  |                 |         |         |         |         |
  1 byte     1 byte     1 byte      1 byte     1 byte     1 byte
|  column  |          |          |          |          |          |
|   size   |precision |  scale   | length   |  table   | unknown  |
|(optional)|(optional)|(optional)|(optional)|(optional)|          |

column name length 
column name        column name in result set, not necessarily db column name
unknown            unknown (0, 16 ?)
user type          usertype column from syscolumns
unknown            always 0's
column type        (need an appendix for discussion of column types)
column size        not present for fixed size columns
precision          present only for SYBDECIMAL and SYBNUMERIC
scale              present only for SYBDECIMAL and SYBNUMERIC
table name length  present only for SYBTEXT and SYBIMAGE
table name         present only for SYBTEXT and SYBIMAGE
unknown            always 0x00
Row Data (0xD1 209)
   1 byte    variable size
|          |                    |
|  token   |   row data         |
|          |                    |
Row data starts with one byte (decimal 209), for variable length types, a one byte length field preceeds the data, for fixed length records just the data appears.
Note: nullable integers and floats are variable length.

For example: sp_who

the first field is spid, a smallint
the second field is status a char(12)

the row would look like this: (unquoted numbers are decimal)

offset	0	209 // marker
offset	1	1   // low order byte of smallint 1
offset	2	0   // high order byte of smallint 1
offset	3	12  // length of 'recv sleep  '
offset	4	'r'
offset	4	'e'
offset	4	'c'
offset	4	'v'
offset	4	32  // space
offset	4	's'
offset	4	'l'
offset	4	'e'
offset	4	'e'
offset	4	'p'
offset	4	32  // space
offset	4	32  // space
Result Set Complete (0xFD 253)
   1 byte    1 byte    1 byte    2 bytes   4 bytes
|          |         |         |         |   row   |
|  token   |  flags  | unknown | unknown |  count  |
|          |         |         |         |         |

token              0xFD (253 decimal)
unknown            0 /* a second flags byte? */
unknown            2,0  /* something to do with block size perhaps */
row count          number of rows returned in the result set. 

Bit settings for byte 2:
bit 0: set indicates more results coming
bit 1: success (set if invalid sql, else clear)
bit 4: set if succeeded ?

Note: the following things are courtesy of Brian Wheeler. I need to put
them in a format similar to the rest of the document, but here they are for
*begin bdw*

'Language packet' - I have no idea what this is...it is sent by client,

ubyte   33
int     (1+length of next string)
ubyte   (status 1 or 0)
string  (data)

**bdw** ERROR packet?
ushort  (discarded?)
int     (msg number)
ubyte   (state)
ubyte   (class)
ubyte   (-length of next string-)
string  (SQL state)
ubyte   (status)
short   (tranState)  Transaction state?
short   (-length of next string-)
string  (message)
ubyte   (-length of next string-)
string  (server name)
ubyte   (-length of next string-)
string  (proc name)
short   (line number)

**bdw** Logout packet  (sent by client)
byte    113
byte    0

**bdw** Param format packet (sent by client?)
byte    236
short   (datasize+2)
short   (number of parameters)
list of formats.  I imagine it uses the column format structure.

**bdw** Param packet (sent by client?)
byte    215
??? beats me.

*end bdw*
Miscellaneous Notes
Stuff I didn't have time to organize.

The following people have contributed to this document:

Brian Bruns (me)
Brian Wheeler

(short list)