3.17: Where's a good place to buy folk records?


3.17: Where's a good place to buy folk records?

The best shop which specialises in folk is Blackfriars Music -- address is in the answer to 14. The other good places in Edinburgh are the folk/Scottish sections of Virgin Records and HMV (on Princes St). Folk is often subdivided in these shops into subcategories (i.e. Scottish, Irish, pipe bands, folk etc). John Menzies (sometimes pronounced "Mingis") and also on Princes St, is usually the cheapest place to get CDs but the folk section is small and poorly organised. Tower records is probably the best place to start looking in Glasgow.

or as sgibb@cix.compulink.co.uk would have it
The best folk record shop in Scotland at present is in Parnie Street, Glasgow, next to Adam McNaughton's book shop.

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