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Unclaimed Jewels
by Dian Plebuch

While visiting with a friend recently, we discussed our lives; what we wanted now and in the near future, any plans we might make for retirement, a possible second career, and my friend used the term "unclaimed jewels."

How nice that sounds. It is so much better than spinster, divorced, old maid, single woman, "she is alone,". . . you get the idea.

But how nice to be an unclaimed jewel, a bright and shining gem. Each woman can be an unclaimed jewel, she can even be the jewel of her choice. I would like to be an amethyst—a soft, pretty and friendly jewel. When I was young I may have fancied myself as a garnet, but that powerful sensual part of me never had a chance to really develop. My second choice would be a pearl, elegant yet approachable. I think being a diamond would not suit me. I am not sure why, but I think the image is just too much work—hair, makeup, no more wearing sweatpants to the grocery store on Saturday morning.

Most women are probably more than one jewel, two or three at least. And depending on one's age and time in life the jewels may change. It occurs to me to wonder what my friends are, and do they think of themselves as a ruby when I see them as a pearl. How we see ourselves and how others see us is an issue I can spend more time with, but I am glad to be an unclaimed jewel.

Drawing by Sarah Peacock.