Marines in World War II
Historical Monograph

The Guadalcanal Campaign

by Major John L. Zimmerman, USMCR Historical Section, Division of Public Information
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps

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Special Prefatory Note

Chapter I. Prelude to the Offensive (pages: 1-25)

Chapter II. Landings on Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanambogo (pages: 26-40)

Chapter III. Guadalcanal--The First Three Days (pages: 41-54)

Chapter IV. Establishment of the Perimeter and Battle of the Tenaru (pages: 55-72)

Chapter V. The Battle of the Ridge (pages: 72-91)

Chapter VI. Development of the Perimeter and Actions to the West (pages: 92-105)

Chapter VII. Expansion to the West and the October Attack on the Airfield (pages: 106-116)

Chapter VIII. Critical November (pages: 128-155)

Chapter IX. Final Period--9 December 1942 to 9 February 1943 (pages: 156-164)

Chapter X. Conclusions (pages: 165-167)


A. Casualties

B. Bibliography

C. Native Help


E. Station List



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Last updated: March 12, 1998

Feedback: corrections, additions, and comments are welcome!

Compiled and formatted by Patrick Clancey