NOTE: This Operation Plan was transcribed from COPY NO. 1016, typed 60 years ago. The pages have aged, the type is not always clear, and the text has been amended by hand-written notes (which will be shown in green, although it is not always clear where the hand-written notes are additions, or corrections or simply clarify faint text. Deleted text (strike-thru) is displayed in [grey].

Every reasonable step has been taken to preserve the original formatting, pagination, spelling, etc., but allowances should always be made for the possibility of errors in my transcription.    --HyperWar


    SOPA Instructions are issued to standardize and to facilitate, so far as practicable, the procedure to be followed under various conditions that may arise during the assault and occupational phase at the objective. nothing contained in these instructions shall be interpreted as curtailing the initiative of limiting the normal authority and responsibility of any commander.

  2. Entry Instructions for Anchorage Areas.

    1. As applicable and when necessary, pilotage service at LEYTE GULF and SAN PEDRO harbor will be provided inintially by Commander Minesweeper Group.

    2. Pilot service and anchorage berth assignments will be controlled by the Port Director after he has assumed duties.


    1. Anchorages in LEYTE GULF will be assigned by Attack Force Commanders in own area of responsibility.

    2. Berths will be assigned by the SOPA until this service is taken over by the Port Director.


    1. In the absence of contrary instructions, ships engaged in unloading during assault and occupational phases of the operation will be prepared to get underway on 30 minutes' notice. When condition RED is announced, ship will prepared to get underway immediately and make ready for full power as quickly as possible.

    2. Ships which are not wokrking cargo shall be darkened from sunset to sunrise. When engaged in handling cargo, lights shall be shaded so as not to show above the orizontal. Lights in holds shall be dimmed and must not be directly visibile from overhead.

    3. Until otherwise directed by SOPA, transports and heavy ships at anchor or lying to off shore will maintaing during darkness a special deck security patrol equipped wiht rifles or sub-machine guns. The duty of these patrols, augmenting the regular machine gun watch details, it to prevent the approach of hostile boats.


    1. Attack Force Commanders will presecribe close inner anti-submarine screens at their discretion.



    1. The primary requirement of the operation, insofar as transports are concerned, is to get troops ashore, and particularly the assault waves. If, therefore; the transports are attacked during the unloading of the assault waves they should continue unloading groops, in order that the assault should not be dangerously weakened. heavy ships within the screen, close the transports to provide as near all around AA protection as practicable.

    2. If transports will in the transport area are attacked at any time after assault waves have been debarked, they should get underway and maneuver, under control of hte Attack Force Commanders. When the air raid is spent or driven off they should return and resume unloading.

    3. Radar pickets, as necessary, should be stationed to seaward of each anchorage or unloading area to give early information of the approach of unidentified planes and surface craft, to open fire on enemy planes as soon as a good radar solution is obtained, and to act as decoy targets.


    1. Prescribing authority - SOPA until Base Commander assumed command.

    2. Air Raid Warning Conditions.
      Visual Radio
      (Plain language message)
      "ZEBRA" Flag "Flash Red" Air attack imminent, enemy aircraft in vicinity. All ships set Condition I.
      "TWO" Pennant "Flash Blue" Air attack probable. Unidentified aircraft in vicinity. All ships set Condition II.
      "ONE" Pennant "Flash White" All clear. Aircraft identified as friendly. (Hostile aircraft no longer in vicinity).

    3. Air Raid Alarm.
      Ten second blasts, five second intervals, for a period of two minutes on siren from base or senior ship in harbor.

    4. All clear signal.
      One long blast on siren of about one minute duration. Both signals will be repeated by Group Flagship of large vessels.

    5. Control of Anti-Aircraft Fire.
      Visual Radio
      (Plain language message)
      GREEN Flag "Control GREEN" All guns hold fire on air targets.


      YELLOW Flag "Control YELLOW" All guns may fire on any air target identified as enemy except as modified by paragraph (g) and (h) following.
      Ships will prepare GREEN and YELLOW Flags, for use for this purpose.

    1. When flag signals for air raid warning conditions and control of gunfire are flow simultaneously, the CONTROL Flag will be flow UNDER the Condition Flag.

    2. Openiing Fire - Day - Ships fire their batteries at identified enemy aircraft when within range of hte battery concerned, avoiding as far as possible firing in the direction of friendly ships and of the beach. Commanding Officers open fire on their own responsibililty.

    3. Opening Fire - Night. - Screening ships fire close range automatic weapons if an enemy plane target is visible to the gunner, or, in case of 40mm guns, radar controlled, if a good radar solution is obtained and approaching planes are within 5000 yards. Transports or cargo ships will not fire unless specifically ordered to do so by the SOPA. The objective is to make maximum use of the darkness, aided by smoke, and to avoid disclosing the location of our ships. CAUTION - Attention is directed to the great advantage of concealment, by smoke ordarkness, and to the possibility that ships may fire into each other or toward shore units. If in doubt, don't shoot.

  1. Anchorage and Harbor Patrol.
    Appropriate harbor and anchorage patrols, consisting of Motor Torpedo Boats and other small craft as available, will be established by SOPA for the protection of shipping at night.

  2. SMOKE.
    Smoke will not be used except on order form SOPA.


    1. Seaplane landing areas will be as laster established. Small boats shall keep clear day and night of the seaplane landing areas except for boats using small boat lanes which may have to be established. Any boasts unavoidably in the area, because of engine failure or other reason be prepared at night to display runinng lights or to direct a flashing white light in the direction of planes approaching for a landing.


    1. All vessels prior to leaving for a port where water, provisions and stores may be obtained, will make available to the Base Commander any excess beyond the quantities required to meet he needs of the voyage. The shore establishments and ships of the local defense force must be


      of the capacity of forces afloat.

    1. Storage space for fresh and dry provisions and water in small craft being limited, they require constant replenishment. It is necessary that large ships be prepared to supply provisions, water and fuel to them as practicable.

  1. MAIL.

    1. Guard mail will be distributed intiially by despatch boats. Details for arrangements will be promulgated by signal.

    2. Fleet Post offices will be established in accordance with usual procedures.

    3. Officer messenger mial will be distributed initially by despatch boats. After establishment of the Fleet Post Office, officer messenger mail will be handled at the mail counter at the Fleet Post Office.


    1. Sightseeing is not permitted. Permission for officers and specialized ratings to visit the shore for purpose of conducting official inspections will be obtained from SOPA.

    2. Requests for air or surface trasnportation to other areas should be made to the SOPA.


Anchorage Chart

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Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation