Letters to "My Darling" Thelma
Written by Otis M. McGee
Aboard the USS Woolsey (DD-437)
During World War II

Retyped by daughter Linda Dreblow from original letters

Dearest Darling,

Just a few lines to let you know I am ok now. I am sorry I haven't written sooner, but I didn't want to take the chance of writing a letter. We stayed in the Bay at Norfolk for a good while, getting ready for the second front and we couldn't mail any letters. We left Norfolk yesterday the 25th of October. And now we are on our way to Africa to open up the 2nd front. The Captain gave us a speech yesterday and told us where we're going. We have over a hundred ships now, that is only 1/3 of what we will have when we get over there. He told us what part we were to play in this, and we are what you might call the suicide ship. It is out job to go in first & land the troops at any cost. He stressed the point that we might not come back, some of us won't, it is the price of war. But if this drive goes through, it will be the turning point to victory. Even through some of us might die, it will be so others may live in Freedom. I am going to try and write a little each day and if possible I'll get to mail it when I get back, here's hoping. I believe I will, but you can't be to sure. So Darling I will close for now. Loving you more every month.

October 26,

Well, Darling here I am back again. Will write you a few more lines. This has been, some days so rough you can't get around. Big waves coming over and it rains, & you stay soaking wet. I have been barefooted all day, no need of letting your shoes stay soaking wet. We have picked up the rest of the convoy now. I guess we are somewhere on the Florida Coast. We have had no contact with submarines yet. Everything is pretty quite except the water.

I wish we were starting the 2nd front now, it seems like we will never get there. Our ship is pretty well in the water, now is the chance to go into surface battle You wouldn't think they're heading for the most important drive of this war. But there is a kind of grimness about them too. We should take over easily, with but so awful much loss. We have enough ships anyway. And plenty of planes. Ships of every kind. If we can just pull the surprise. We are counting on everything being okay. I sure hope the water calms down some before I go on watch. Honey this sure gets bore some to you reading about all this. Things won't be so bad. Will close until later.

Love You Forever.

October 27,

Well darling here I am again, feeling fine as ever. After such a calm day. The water has been much calmer today. Today is Turkey Day on board ship.

We had Turkey and all the trimmings, wish it was like this everyday. Everything is mighty peaceful now. We contacted a sub last night, but didn't get in good enough surroundings to fire. About 10 more days, and all Hell will break loose. I sure hope so anyway, the sooner we get this war over, the better! I'll like it, then I can come home. Guess you will be kind of worried about me, not hearing from me in good while. They say this is to be a 60 day trip. I don't know how true that is. More ships joined us today. 3 battlewagons, I don't know how many more.

How is everyone at home Honey? Fine I am sure. Maybe after this is over, we will get some leave. I sure hope so. I am going to try and write a page each day, if possible. And that should be quite a book by the time we get back. I haven't shaved since the Sunday I called home. I am not going to until we get back to the states.

To hell with it!

Well Honey will close for now. I'll always love you.

October 28,

Hello Darling. Here I am again after a stormy day. We are in the middle of a storm now, and is it rough. I read in your last letter where they are going to build an army camp near home. I sure hope this doesn't happen for it will ruin the town. It won't be safe to go into town, there. Honey, this will have to be a family letter by the time I get back, I won't have any news to write. I hope everyone is feeling good now. I feel fine. I just finished supper, with a full stomach and a beard full of salt. I have the mid watch tonight and I sure do dread it. You get soaking wet on watch & stay that way for 4 hours. But it is warm and that helps, a lot. It is a lot better than the North Atlantic anyway. I had to clean the search light today & grease it. I am just sure we will use it & it has to be in perfect condition. We have had a lot of fun today, kidding with each other. Ski made his will out to me. In case he don't come back ( Ha-Ha ). His will is $70.00, he has found out, for me to collect. He is a pain. I hope you can read this the ship is rolling so I can hardly write.

With Love until tomorrow. I love you Darling.

October 29,

Hi Honey how is every little thing, today? Fine I hope. I am hunky dory. I sure was surprised today. We got mail aboard while we were at sea. I got a letter from Sis, a card from you, and a letter from Gene B. Sure was tickled to hear from. Sure was tickled to hear from you all. Sis said she hoped it was a redheaded girl. I hope it isn't a redhead. I have just finished a hot argument and have to go on watch. 8 till?. It sure has been a pretty day today and I think it will continue for awhile, for we are going south more everyday. Gene said he sure liked the Army, except K.P. I am glad he does.

I like Uncle Sam's Navy pretty well now, if I can hold out 6 more months, I believe the war will be over and I can come home for good. Well Darling they have just passed the word to relieve the watch & I'd better take off. Will write more tomorrow, Remember I love you.

October 30,

Well Darling another day gone by & everything is ok. One of our planes saw a sub today & some of the other ships went after a sub, while we were refueling today. They are getting pretty thick now. But they can't get to thick to suit us. The thicker they are the more we will sink. We are really in some pretty water now, it's as blue as indigo and as smooth as glass. It's a beautiful night tonight moon shining bright. I have just come off watch and have to go back at 4 in the morning, it's 8:30 now. I'm sitting here at the work bench with nothing on but my shorts. It's pretty hot down here & will get hotter, the further we go. Honey I hope I don't get caught writing you this, and don't let everybody know what I write in it. Just the family. Well Darling news is short for now. I have to take a shower and cool off a little, before going to bed, so I'll close until tomorrow. Good Night darling & remember I love you. Hope to be back in the states a month from now. ( ha-ha )

October 31,

Hi Honey, another day gone by, the water is still pretty and hot. We have had a sudden down pour of rain every once in awhile. We got a contact today and fired depth charges. Don't think we got it this time, 5 days from now we should be in Africa. Hope so anyway. Today is Halloween isn't it

Honey? Did you go to a Halloween party? I haven't got a watch tonight, so I can sleep all night, that suits me fine. We heard over the radio about the Japs return of the Solomon's, 4 of our battleships getting nearly all their planes. Honey I may be wrong but I believe this war will be over by the this time next year. I don't see how it can last. Honey I told you at the first of my letter, that there is 300 ships in this convoy. There is 100 in our convoy and two more behind us to come in 3 days after we do. That makes up to 300 ships. Who would have thought the 2nd front would start in Africa? But if you get a map and study it, you will see that it is the best place. I am sure glad to have a part in it. I hope they put up a fight too. But they might not. Well Sweetheart I will close until tomorrow. I love you Sugar.

November 1, Sunday

Hello Darling, how is my Baby tonight, fine I hope. It sure has been raining since supper, it has just now stopped. I haven't much news today. Nothing has happened. The weather is still hot, I have the 8 to 12 watch tonight and go on in 2 hours. I sure like this weather, and wish we had our duty in this part all the time. Maybe we will after this, who knows? I sure would like to see you Honey. Boy oh boy. If we come back to Norfolk for any length of time, get ready to leave for I am sending after you. I hope you have got your allotment checks by now. My beard is about 2 weeks old now, and by the time I see you, I should have a pretty long one. I may let it go for the rest of the winter, if I can get by with it. I imagine it is getting a little cold at home now isn't it? Kent told me yesterday to start back studying and as soon as I make seaman second again he will rate me. And I am going to do my best.

Well Darling news is short for now. I have done written more than I thought I would, so until tomorrow. I'll close, loving you more & more every minute.

Monday November 2,

Good evening darling here's that man again. I have just come off watch and am feeling fine. We had a little excitement last night, torpedoes were fixed at the convoy but didn't hit any ships, but when they miss they die. The sub was sunk immediately. This morning we lost one of our planes, it was one off the Augusta. It got out of control, and somehow crashed into the sea. A sub was sited on the surface about an hour ago, way up in the front of the convoy. Don't know all the details yet. Things are getting more exciting everyday and will be hot, maybe by the time we get in which is about Friday, I think. I imagine you will know all the details about the 2nd front before I do. But one thing I am glad of, and that is that I will play a part in it and get to see it. We are in range of their bombers now and are expecting an attack at all times. It might happen and it might not. But you can bet your boots, Uncle Sam's sailors won't be caught napping this time. What ever happens Darling, remember I love you so much that I can't tell you in words and only God knows how I miss you. Will write more tomorrow.

November 3 & 4,

Hello Sweetheart here I am after skipping a day, there wasn't much news yesterday. I was pretty tired & sleepy yesterday so I didn't write any. It sure is rough now. I couldn't stay in my sack. I would get up several times and light a smoke. But that didn't do any good so I finally strapped myself in about 11 o'clock and dozed off, and had to get up at 11:45 & go on watch. Boy was that a honey. Raining dark and the ship making about a 60 per cent roll, just like it is now. Our gunnery officer gave us a talk yesterday and told us what our orders were, what was expected of every man, that we were expected now, and would probably have a hot time. Every ship has orders to fight until the stacks go under. If this turns out okay Darling, we won't be separated for long. I don't think. For Hitler will be surrounded then. A lot counts on the drive we are in now. Darling I sure hope you can read this writing, the tub is rolling like a ball. Honey I thought about you about 3 am this morning. I could just picture you snoring in bed, and wishing I was there with you. But Darling maybe I will be this time next year. Well sugar, I will close for now, Write more tomorrow.

November 5 & 6,

Hello Darling here I am again, a day late this time. I didn't write yesterday there just wasn't any news. We have been in a pretty rough storm these past few days, we refueled today while we had the chance. The water is pretty smooth now, and it has finally turned out pretty fare. The Zero hour is finally here, either tomorrow, Saturday or Sunday morning. I am pretty sure. We are about 300 miles off the coast of Africa. And can go in most anytime now. Darling there are plenty of submarines down in here, and don't think there isn't. But there isn't as many as there was, before we left. Honey, while I think of it. This letter is for 3 people only to read. You, Mom & Dad. This isn't to be mentioned about what all has happened. The size of the convoy & everything. It would really get me in trouble. One of the officers that new about the convoy, is in the brig at Norfolk now, for talking to much. He could be shot. So keep it mum! I have a poem here about The Woolsey that some guy made up. It's pretty good. Well Darling, I will try and write tomorrow. If things aren't to hot. And I hope they are not. So long Darling, until later. I love you, honey.

November 7,

Hi Sweetheart, how is my baby this pretty day? Sweet as ever I'm sure. Well Darling, it has finally come I am sure, the attack should take place between 12 midnight and dawn, in the morning. Everything has been planned out, and prepared for a hot time. Maybe we will get it, maybe we won't. If this goes through ok, it will really shorten the war. If it fails we have a good chance of losing the war also. Everyone is anxiously waiting for the start. We had two contacts with submarines since yesterday, but no charge was dropped. Honey I am finally getting the chance I have been waiting for, to go into actual battle. And everyone is sure we will have one.

One of Spain's ships was taken over by us last night, and an American crew put on her and sent to New York. It was loaded with French refugee's. They did that so they could not radio out position. It is really a beautiful day hot, water is calm and everything is going pretty smooth. All in all we have had a pretty exciting trip coming across, plenty of submarines, one plane crash. Possession of one ship and going to get plenty more. Well Darling, will close for now and hope to write more tomorrow. I love you sugar.

Sunday November 8,

Well Darling, here I am again taking time out to write a few lines. We are secured from General Quarters a few hours ago. And I don't know when we will start scrapping again. The troops starting landing at 3 am this morning, And we began our attack at 4 am. The battleships are still shelling the beach. The Mass., a battleship has been knocking down planes and sinking ships at the same time. We only had two of our ships hit, and they are still able to fight. I saw one of our planes go down and don't know how many we lost in all. You will hear the results before we will. It was being broadcast this morning while we were fighting. The British claimed to have helped us, but their wasn't a Limey ship around, or a plane, in the whole convoy. The Americans attacked in six different places, the Limey's attacked on the Mediterranean Coast. They are still fighting like Hell here. You can hear the battleships blasting away now. Honey I have never enjoyed anything as much in my whole life as I have this. It was really a pretty site. We had the job of circling the convoy and protecting it from submarines. And didn't do any shelling. But probably will before the day is over. The supply base of the French and Nazi's is blown to hell. I can see it burning from where I am writing. It really makes you feel good to see a site like that. After reading about how dirty the Nazi's are. I went on watch Friday night at midnight and have three hours sleep since then, it is now Sunday afternoon 2 o'clock. And am not tired or sleepy, a bit. I am too thrilled and enthused. The American Flag has been raised on the beach now. It is Our Control! I have enjoyed this more than any of the Navy I saw before this. Well Honey I will knock off for now, and wait until I get a little more news.

Hi Sugar, here it is November 8, sorry I am late reporting. I had a chance to get a little sleep so I took advantage of it. A boarding party was sent aboard a French fishing vessel yesterday to investigate it, when the men got up pretty close the fishing vessel opened up on them. There were three survivors out of twelve of our boarding party. The ship fired a salvo from her 5 inch gun into the fishing boat, and blew them all to hell. This morning another French fishing boat came by. It had picked up the fellows and was hunting there ship for them. It was a friendly crew on there, and were they glad to see us. About an hour ago we picked up a floating mine, and sent our two whale boats out after it. We have it over our ship now.

So long Darling, see you later

November 11, 1942
Dearest Darling,

Here I am back again after missing a day of writing to you. I didn't have the chance yesterday as we were too busy. We finally got out chance Darling, yesterday we got our first ship, I mean my ship got it's first one, and I hope get another. Boy were things hot, there for good while. It was a living hell for the wops, and a hell of a big thrill for us. When we left the battle scene, we had to plow our way thru wreckage. There was a little of everything on the water, I think. One of our ships were hit, but I don't think the damage was serious. And there were no casualties, at all. Just part of there smoke stack ripped off. The word was passed a few minutes ago, that the French was trying to make peace. That sounds like they finally woke up. One of out planes sank a sub last night too. The enemy is sure taking a beating here, alright. We have got to take on supplies and refuel tomorrow. I'll sure be glad of it, the chow is getting mighty low on here. We have been going full speed ahead now, ( 30 knots ), and I don't know where we are going in such a hurry. Honey I want to remind you again, about letting anyone read this. You can tell them you have an eye witness story to it and that is all.

I sure hope everyone is okay at home, Darling. And hope that you can come see me when I get back. I hope you have got your money by now. You should have at least. Well Darling, news is running short for now. So I will close saying, I love you more than I can possibly tell. And sure hope to see you when I get in.

November 12, Thursday
Hello Honey,

Here I am again. The days are sure flying by now, and I like to see it go by fast. I hear today, that we are heading back to the states soon. I don't know how true it is. I wouldn't care if we stayed until spring, for there is plenty of action. This morning we had to send a boarding party to board two Spanish Boats. And all the time this was happening, we were fighting off submarines. The fishing boats were ok, and let alone. A pack of submarines have been after us since last night, all night and today. We had a running battle with one today. The reports are that it was sunk. We had destroyers, air planes and cruisers after it. The reason they are so hot after us, we have two aircraft carriers, and one is the Ranger. Two torpedo's have been fired at her, so far and both were misses. She was really fighting this morning, she had her 5 inch guns and machine guns going. And the planes were gunning the sub and bombing it, at the same time. It was a pretty site to watch. Everything is still okay on our ship. But two in our bunch was hit last night. One went down and one still afloat. Our chow is running pretty low now, and will be glad when we take on more. Darling I found a page of poems in an old issue of our Navy magazine, and it really has some good poems on it, To Mother, I clipped it out and am going to mail it to her. Darling you should see my beard now. I still haven't shaved it, and I may have a picture taken when I get back to the states with it. Well Darling will close for now, will write more later. Remember I love you, Sugar.

Friday November 13, & Saturday 14,
Dearest Sweetheart,

Sorry I am a day late but it has been so rough, I couldn't write. It is plenty rough now, I am nearly standing on my head to write this. I doubt you can read it. We had done started for the States and give out of fuel and tried to refuel from a tanker yesterday, and got rammed, and now we are headed back to Caso Blanco. One side of or ship is really banged up, one wing of the bridge is smashed in, two search lights and battle lights were knocked off, on the port side. One of the life boats were smashed, and the poop deck was caved in. We were really lucky no one was hurt. The carriers and cruisers left us last night, and we have two destroyers and two tankers heading back. We have got to refuel soon and get some chow too. We are eating our emergency rations now, and that is very dam little. All of us have fell off 10 to 20 pounds.

Friday 13th was just out unlucky day. We have been under way 22 days now, and will be for 22 days more. I have dreamed about being home for the past three nights, I wish it were true. How does the war news seem at home? Pretty good I hope. Maybe this mess won't last much longer, I don't believe it will anyway. I can be with you for good, Darling. I sure would like to be home for Christmas. Boy would we have a good time. I would like to be there for hat Christmas dinner too. I guess we will have spuds and beans. I never want to see anymore of those when I get out of here. This is the roughest water I have ever seen. Our rail is under water one minute and the other rail the next. I hope you can read this. It isn't my fault, if you can't.

So long Darling, will write more later.

Sunday November 15,
Dearest Sweetheart,

Not much news today, but just a few lines to let you know I love you and am thinking of you. Honey I'm homesick, and have been for the last four or five days. That is all I can think about. I have dreamed about you and thought I was home with you. I am going to try and get a leave when we get back, if I can't Honey, I'll send for you. How is everyone at home? Fine I hope. Guess everyone at home is getting ready for Christmas, huh? I sure wish it was where I could be there. Honey I'm sorry I can't send anyone anything, but that will be impossible. I bought a cigarette case for Dad in Norfolk, before we left and was going to send it to him, but didn't have the chance. I will send it when we get back. I am going to send you, Mom & Dad something, and will the rest a card. In that way everyone will know I am thinking of them, anyway. The water has calmed down a little today. But boy was she rough last night. About a 70 knot gale, and cold as blue blazes.

We are getting into Caso Blanco tomorrow I hear. I guess we will refuel and rechow. We are going along about 10 knots now, and that is really slow, for we are in submarine infested waters now. We have about 10,000 gallons of fuel now and are not suppose to get any lower than 40,000 at anytime. I finally shaved Honey, after 4 weeks. They were getting so long, I couldn't sleep. I had to clip them with a pair of scissors first. The Chief just come in and asked me, wasn't I starting to write mighty early. Ha-Ha. Told him I had written nearly ever day since we left. Well Darling, news is short for now, so I'll close until later, saying I love you more every minute and think of you all the time.

November 18,
Hello Sweetheart,

How is my Darling tonight feeling fine I hope. I feel good. My Chief told me I could make third class by the first of January if I would study, and Honey I am sure going to study. I am sorry I haven't written in a couple of days, but I haven't had the heart to. We went into Caso Blanca the Sunday 15th, and it was a mess. The harbor was so full of sunken ships that we could hardly go in. Every once in awhile you would see a body float by. I saw one American soldier with his head completely gone. The first 600 soldiers that were sent in to land when the attack began were killed, just by there officer in charge landing then in the wrong place. I saw a concentration camp there to. It had about 3000 Americans in it before we come over. I talked to one of the fellows that was in there and he said it was living Hell. We are bringing them back to the states now in the convoy. I saw a boy I had boot camp with, he had two ships shot out from under him, and he's going back for more. He is still on one of the deathtraps now, a troopship. We are heading back to the states now, and should get there somewhere around the 1st of December. Yesterday we went through a bunch of wreckage, we saw 28 life rafts, 1 rubber boat, sea bags and blankets were floating all over the water. The water was about 2 inches thick with oil. They were American life rafts and stuff, but there must have been a lot of survivors, for the life rafts were cut away from the ships. We picked one up and investigated. Yesterday we got another sub, and another one again today I think. Well Darling, will close for now. Will write more later. Remember I love you.

November 23 or 24
Monday 2:35 1942
Dearest Darling,

Guess you thought I had forgotten you, but I haven't. I am sorry I am so late writing you, but I wrote Mom & Sis a letter. And the weather has been so rough, since then I haven't had a chance. It is still plenty rough as you can tell by my writing. I have been trying to study as much as possible for January 1st, it isn't that far off. And I sure hope I make 3/c. This ship has taken a beating since we left the states. We have been running in the middle of a storm for the past 4 days now, and is it rough. The waves knocked the doors off the shop yesterday, and we had to get up at 5 o'clock to swab the water out of it. It sure was a mess. Darling I sure would like to see you when we get in. But I don't want you to make such a long trip by yourself. We are going in to New York, I think. And should be there in about 4 days. I am expecting to spend my Christmas in Caso Blanco, or Ireland one. That is the way things look for now. But wherever I am Darling, I'll be thinking of you, and loving you just like I were with you.

Almost a month now that we have been underway, and I will be glad to see the states, and read the paper and see how the war is coming along. From what the news says, we are doing better than usual. I'll be glad when this is over and we can live together again. Lots of nights I lay in my bunk and picture our house, and how it used to be, us both coming home from work late, and I would wait for you to get the bed warm, then push you over. Or get my feet cold and put them to you. That was the life wasn't it Darling?

Well sweetheart guess I will close for now, and write more later. I love you Honey.