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Electronic Books - August at ibiblio

Project Gutenberg
30 years of fine literature - digitally republished

At last count, there were 3,700 titles available in the Project Gutenberg archive, with 100,000,000 readers (one to two percent of the world's population).

In celebration of Project Gutenberg's 30th anniversary, ibiblio has created a new searchable (full text of every book) or browsable interface using the Greenstone digital library software. Explore, download, read and share such classic texts as:

First-Person Narratives of the American South
beginnings to 1920's

"Memoirs and journals written not because of their historical or political significance, but because they are to the writer the natural expression of what life has meant to him in the moment of living, have a value entirely apart from literary quality.

They bring us close to the human soul - the human soul in undress. We find ourselves without preface or apology in personal, intimate relation with whatever makes the yesterday, today, tomorrow of the writer."

This collection is a part of the Documenting the American South archives.

Thirty Years a Slave: From Bondage to Freedom

Open Book Project
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist series

The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. All of the "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist" series has the emphasis that single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem-solving. The books teach not only specific programming skills, but also emphasize the skills of observing the behavior of complex systems, forming hypotheses, and testing predictions.

The Linux Documentation Project Guides
reliable documentation for the Linux operating system

Free, high quality Linux manuals covering such topics as:
  • Linux System Administration Made Easy
  • Linux System Administrators' Guide
  • Linux Administrator's Security Guide
  • Securing and Optimizing Linux Red Hat Edition - A Hands on Guide
  • Linux From Scratch

This collection is a part of Linux Documentation Project.

linux penguin

The Hygienic Care of Children
published by Dr. Shelton's Health School, 1931

"Parents, educators, nurses, physicians and all others who care for children should strive to care for these little mites of humanity so that they may be healthy and happy. It is one of the curses of our boasted civilization that our children are the prey both of ignorance and of an unscrupulous commercialism. Manufacturing drug houses, physicians who can only be regarded as criminals, food manufacturers, and sweat shop owners, who exploit the labor of children, live off the bodies and lives of these little ones."

This book is a part of the Hygiene Library of the Soil and Health Library.

August from the Book of Hours

Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry
The Book of Hours of the Duke of Berry

A Book of Hours was the personal devotional book of choice for Western European Christians, much as the Bible is today. Derived from the liturgy chanted by monks and nuns, the Book of Hours served the spiritual needs of lay men and women, who commissioned scribes and artists to produce these personalized prayer books.

This ebook (from a 1995 internet pioneering site) presents the images from this celebrated book.

last updated: August 13, 2001

open source software

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