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Science is wonderful.

Mighty, sublime, wonderful, as have been the achievements of past science, as yet we are but on the verge of the continents of discovery. Where is the wizard who can tell what lies in the womb of time? Just as our conceptions of many things have been revolutionized in the past, those which we hold to-day of the cosmic processes may have to be remodeled in the future. The men of fifty years hence may laugh at the circumscribed knowledge of the present and shake their wise heads in contemplation of what they will term our crudities, and which we now call _progress_. Science is ever on the march and what is new to-day will be old to-morrow.

Paul Severing, 1910
Marvels of Modern Science from Project Gutenberg.

Virtual Cell

A Graphic of the Virtual Cell Project.

The Virtual Cell project began in 1996 as a product of he Brown University Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization's outreach program. This project represents a multidisciplinary collaboration between students in Science, Computer Graphics, and World Language classes at Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton, Massachusetts. The students in advanced science classes design models and create the written text that will accompany them on the web. The 3D computer graphics students take these specifications and develop the models. Finally the world language students translate the text.

IUPAC: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

The symbol of IUPAC.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) serves to advance the worldwide aspects of the chemical sciences and to contribute to the application of chemistry in the service of Mankind. As a scientific, international, non-governmental and objective body, IUPAC addresses many global issues involving the chemical sciences.

Agricultural Resources Center and Pesticide Education Project

A photo montage from ARC.

The Agricultural Resources Center (ARC) and Pesticide Education Project (PESTed) is a non-profit organization working in North Carolina since 1986 to minimize human and environmental exposure to toxic pesticides. They watchdog public officials in North Carolina and work to improve public policy, as well as to educate individuals and institutions about alternatives to toxics. They are a small grassroots organization with a focus on common-sense alternatives to harmful pesticides.

Project Links

The logo of Project Links.

Project Links is one of several MATC (Mathematics Across The Curriculum) projects funded by the National Science Foundation. The Project Links course materials are a collection of web pages, Java applets, and other Internet resources designed to help students learn how to use mathematics in many areas of science and engineering.


A visual image captured by the GRASS GIS.
The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS GIS, is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for data management, image processing, graphics production, spatial modeling, and visualization of many types of data. It is Free (Libre) Software released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Originally developed by the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USA-CERL, 1982-1995) as a tool for land management and environmental planning by the military, GRASS has evolved into a powerful utility with a wide range of applications in many different areas of scientific research. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings around the world, as well as many governmental agencies including NASA, NOAA, USDA, DLR, CSIRO, the National Park Service, the U.S. Census Bureau, USGS, and many environmental consulting companies.

Plant Information Center

A picture of the Plant Information center logo.

The intent of the Plant Information Center (PIC) is to connect the research community and the general public (including school children) so that primary research materials owned by the University of North Carolina (UNC) can be made available to new audiences. PIC is driven by the desire to nurture the interest and enthusiasm of these audiences in the study of trees, plants, and natural history. This vision is realized through sharing the resources of the UNC Herbarium in a virtual way over the Internet. The UNC Herbarium, founded in 1908, includes over 600,000 labeled museum specimens of plants, algae, fungi, and fossils. It is the largest collection in the southeastern United States and specializes in the collection of plants of this region.

SampleSwap Audio

The SampleSwap logo.

SampleSwap is a free site dedicated to enabling electronic musicians world wide to share their original sounds and music. SampleSwap is made up of 7000+ members who've been swapping free samples since 1998 - but until recently you needed to download an obscure piece of software called Hotline to take advantage of the collection. Now you can do everything with your web browser. In fact, if you're wary about registering (don't worry, it's free, no spam, no banners, etc.) you can browse lo-fi mp3's of all the samples and read what people are saying in the bulletin boards first.

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Last updated January 1, 2004. Happy New Year!
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