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ibiblio-Enjoy a good book in July with ibiblio!

1865 [JOHN] RUSKIN Sesame and Lilies 19 A book is essentially not a talked thing, but a written thing; and written, not with the view of mere communication, but of permanence.

1864 [ALFRED] Tennyson Enoch Arden &c 843 'Swear', added Enoch sternly, 'on the book', And on the book, half-frighted, Miriam swore.
-Oxford English Dictionary online

With wireless connections sprouting up everywhere, you're no longer stuck inside if you want to peruse that electronic book. Kick back by the pool with a summer selection of ibiblio electronic tomes.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg image
Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart, who in 1971 decided that it would be a really good idea if lots of famous and important texts were freely available to everyone in the world. Since then, he has been joined by hundreds of volunteers who share his vision. Now, more than thirty years later, Project Gutenberg houses over 6000 complete electronic versions important literature and scientific texts.

The Linux Cookbook by Michael Stutz

The Linux Cookbook by Michael Stutz
"Because of its robust and stable nature, the Linux-based system is the choice of millions today. But what some may not know is that the free software movement, of which Linux is a part, is very much a counter-cultural phenomenon: the design by which it is produced and published is contrary to the notions of proprietary, intellectual "property" that have dominated mainstream culture so long...I wrote this book because I want everyone to know how to use this software, because I think everyone deserves the freedom that comes with it. I don't willingly use proprietary software -- not because it is always inferior to free software, but because its use precludes freedoms that I find I cannot exist without ... freedoms that should be everyone's right by default in a free, open society."-author's introduction
Part of the Open Book Project set of E-book resources.

The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond

The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond
"I anatomize a successful open-source project, fetchmail, that was run as a deliberate test of the surprising theories about software engineering suggested by the history of Linux. I discuss these theories in terms of two fundamentally different development styles, the 'cathedral' model of most of the commercial world versus the 'bazaar' model of the Linux world. I show that these models derive from opposing assumptions about the nature of the software-debugging task. I then make a sustained argument from the Linux experience for the proposition that 'Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow', suggest productive analogies with other self-correcting systems of selfish agents, and conclude with some exploration of the implications of this insight for the future of software."-author's introduction.

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen Downey

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen Downey
These texts are short introductions to Computer Science covering a number of programming languages, including Python, Java and C++. The order of presentation is what might be called "procedural first," which means that the programming style is mostly procedural until the later chapters, which introduce object-oriented programming. These texts are intended for people with little or no programming experience; they are appropriate for high school and college students, or anyone learning to program.
Part of the Open Book Project set of E-book resources.

Benjamin Disraeli-Author

Benjamin Disraeli-Author
Full-text versions of some of the fictional writings of Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), the first (and currently,only) Jewish Prime Minister in English history. In addition to his political affairs, Disraeli was a creative author, and this site features some of his best work, including Alroy, Count Alarcos, The Infernal Marriage, Lothair, Popanilla and others.


GCIDE is the GNU Project's publication of CIDE, the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. It is a freely-available set of ASCII files containing the marked-up text derived from the Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Version published 1913 by the C. & G. Merriam Co., and from WordNet, a semantic network created by the Cognitive Science Department of Princeton University. This electronic dictionary is the starting point for an ongoing project to develop a modern on-line comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary, by the efforts of all individuals willing to help build a large and freely available knowledge base.

Lessons In Electric Circuits by Tony R. Kuphaldt

Lessons In Electric Circuits by Tony R. Kuphaldt
A free series of textbooks on the subjects of electricity and electronics. "It was out of frustration that I compiled Lessons in Electric Circuits from notes and ideas I had been collecting for years. My primary goal was to put readable, high-quality information into the hands of my students, but a secondary goal was to make the book as affordable as possible...I decided to make it "open," following the same development model used in the making of free software...The goal was to copyright the text -- so as to protect my authorship -- but expressly allow anyone to distribute and/or modify the text to suit their own needs with a minimum of legal encumbrance."-author's note.
Part of the Open Book Project set of E-book resources.

All resources hosted at ibiblio. Browse our collection index for more sites and information
Last updated July 1, 2003
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