PRESIDENT Presents Panel to
Presidential Sites Commission Meeting

Terry Sullivan, director of PRESIDENT - The Presidential Libraries IDEA Network, discussed the PRESIDENT project and how the Presidential Sites Commission could become involved in the Internet. Professor Sullivan chaired a panel of distinguished leaders in the Internet community who lent their advice to the Commission's members, managers of presidential sites (parks, national histo ric sites, libraries and museums) from throughout the country. The conference was sponsored by the National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) of Washington, D.C.

Select here for a copy of the presentation.

Tracy LaQuey Parker brought her QuickTake camera and recorded the event. Her picture of the panel which included (l to r),

In addition to the discussion, panelists had the opportunity to tour the Jimmy Carter Presidential Center, including its Presidential Libr ary and the Carter Center. Here, Don Schewe shows Tracy LaQuey Parker and Terry Sullivan a panel of original Andy Worhols outside the administrative offices of the Carter Presidential Center. Mr. Worhol was a personal friend of President Carter.