
Frugal Corner

Title: Frugal Corner

Frugal Corner

Welcome to the Frugal Corner, home of the newsgroup misc.consumers.frugal-living!

Originally inspired by the Tightwad Gazette, the aim of this site is to provide and continually expand the informational resources needed to be successful at pursuing frugality. Because everyone has different priorities, the key is to minimize your spending of money and consumption of products in ways that allow you to be happy and not feel deprived.

Resources listed include various aspects of frugality and simplicity that consider things besides just money, including time, drains on your mental, physical, and spiritual energy, general quality of life, and the environment.

The philosophy behind this site is to remain completely free of charge. The best thing you can do for this site is to contribute information! It can be everything from Internet frugal resources not yet listed to your favorite tip or method to save money.

Send all suggestions, comments, and especially new listings to piner@best.com.

Here is a frugal survey written by David Walls. If you choose, take a few minutes to give your input about frugality. Assuming he gets enough replies, I will post the results. Information you provide will not be sold at all, nor made available to other parties in a way that identifies you, except under explicit permission from you. It will only be used to compile people's feelings about frugality, which will then be shared with all on this web page and other sources.


Internet Frugal and Consumer Resources


Mailing lists

A mailing list is basically a way to discuss topics with others through an e-mail system, instead of reading and posting to a newsgroup.

Note: Be aware that these mailing lists tend to generate large amounts of e-mail. Also, be sure to have your e-mail address set in your web browser if you decide to mail to the mailing list addresses within your browser.

MaxLife - for those pursuing a positive, healthy lifestyle and avoiding heavy consumerism

Homestead - various aspects of homesteading, including frugality

EcoBalance - sustainable living, ecovillages

Straw Bale Housing - inexpensive and energy-saving housing

Frugal-Ed - for people who educate consumers about frugality and simplicity (low activity list)

Use Less Stuff (ULS) - conserving resources and reducing waste

Persfin-Digest - investing and other topics related to personal finances


Here is a list of Usenet newsgroups available that can help you accomplish your goals of saving money and improving the quality of life.

Note: If you can't read these groups using this page, your web browser may need to be set properly for your local news server at your Internet provider. Some of these groups may not be available using your Internet account, so you may need to contact your Internet service provider for additional info.


Study Groups and Non-profit Organizations Related to Frugality/Simplicity

Note: Let me know of other listings of study groups concerned with frugality, simplicity, and other similar topics. Eventually, there will be a whole separate page just to list these groups.

Simple Living Group of the DC Area
7138 Little River Turnpike #925
Annandale, VA 22003-3101

Phinny Neighborhood Association - non-profit community organization promoting cooperation and voluntary simplicity in Seattle, Washington

Seed of Simplicity
A Program of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy at Cornell University at Ithic, New York
PO Box 9955
Glendale, CA 91226
Phone and fax: (818) 247-4332
"We are helping to fill the gap in childrens' and parents' resources on voluntary simplicity."


Organized and maintained by piner@best.com.

Be sure to send me any comments, complaints, corrections, suggestions, and the such. If you are a frugal Lynx user (text-only Web browser), let me know if something doesn't look right.

Last updated 7/6/96

I also maintain Clothing Guide for the Short Man.