
PermaWeb - Permaculture


Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london
mailto:london@mercury.interpath.net  http://www.interpath.net/~london
Piedmont Online http://sunSITE.unc.edu/piedmont piedmont@sunSITE.unc.edu
Title: PermaWeb - Permaculture


Permaculture Information on the World-Wide-Web

We regret this site is still only a placeholder with little real information in it. Most of the links on this page don't work but might give you an idea of the scale of site we'd like to create here.

Links that do work are marked with a Works!, those that aren't yet available are marked with aSorry,

We're desperate for good, copyright free information and pictures on all subjects permacultural that we can convert and put up here. It can be in any form - even on paper would do!

If you have any please let us know!

About Permaculture

Permaculture is an integrated design system for sustainability. Its roots are in the design of productive ecosystems for farms and gardens, but now reaches well beyond that into designs for all types of resilient, sustainable structures, both physical and social. It is a philosophy of maximum effort at the design stage to allow minimum effort and side-effects once the system is running, instead of the conventional method which is often the reverse.

Detailed information

Information is available at several different levels, from a simple one-page 'manifesto', to a detailed instructions on individual techniques as would be found in a full two-week course.

Regional information

This site holds information about some regional Permaculture groups:

Permaculture Web links Works!

The following other web sites might be interesting:

Comments to permaweb@sysmag.com

Systems Magic