
Hedge Rows Garden Tapestry


Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london
mailto:london@mercury.interpath.net  http://www.interpath.net/~london
Piedmont Online http://sunSITE.unc.edu/piedmont piedmont@sunSITE.unc.edu
Title: Hedge Rows Garden Tapestry

This web site is dedicated to gardening and horticulture in the lower mainland of British Columbia, Canada. Local gardening clubs & societies are featured, along with gardening events happening in and around Vancouver, local plant centres, nurseries and gift shops. Information has been selected to reflect the special needs of gardeners in the Pacific Northwest: local growing conditions and problems, plants from around the world that grow well here, native plants to try in your garden, etc. It is also the home of the beautiful University of British Columbia Botanical Garden.

If you just want to sit back and watch other people do the work, there is a list of many internationally acclaimed gardens all over the world that you can visit and learn from. There are many beautiful photographs, and lots of detailed plant information and growing techniques. There are also several online magazines articles and book excerpts, as well as complete weekly TV listings so you don't have to miss your favourite show. Up-to-the-minute weather reports for our region are included for your planting assistance.


Hedge Rows Garden Tapestry is very pleased to welcome the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Perched on the cliffs of Point Grey overlooking the Strait of Georgia, the UBC Botanical Garden is a superb place to visit at any time of year. Seventy acres, planted with over 10,000 different trees, shrubs and flowers, are presented in the Alpine Garden, Asian Garden, Winter Garden, B.C.Native Garden, Physick Garden, Food Garden and Perennial Borders.


Gardening Clubs and Societies

A listing of the clubs and societies of the Lower Mainland: meeting times, contact information, special events and presentations, shows and sales. Check out your favourite club, or look around to see what else is going on in the area and what fellow gardeners are doing! There are also links to other related sites for many specialized gardening clubs.

"Sprouts" Gardening Events Now

Details of special events of interest to the gardening community happening within the next few weeks are highlighted here. There is also a weekly listing of TV gardening shows with episode details.

Plant Centres and Nurseries, Gardening Supply Stores and Gift Shops

Many plant centres, nurseries, gardening supply stores and gift shops will have information available on their merchandise; they are also happy to provide assistance and answer questions. This page is under construction.

Special Features and Gardening Information

Selected articles of interest to the West Coast gardener, and special features from around the world. Learn how to grow plants like a professional with this extensive list of materials to help you. In-depth scientific information and horticultural databases are in this section, for the more advanced reader.

Gardens around the world

A very exclusive list of the best gardens and research facilities from around the world including the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, England, the New York Botanical Garden, and Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island. Lots of beautiful photographs and detailed information. The world's finest waiting for a free visit!

This project is still very much in the germination phase, and undergoing almost constant revision. Please contact Mala Gunadasa-Rohling (email or contact me at the above address/phone number) with your comments, suggestions and input for anything you would like to see or change. With your help we can make this the best online gardening network in the world.

Copyright © 1996. All Rights Reserved by Hedge Rows Garden Tapestry.