
Botanical garden


Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/InterGarden
mailto:llondon@nuteknet.com  http:nuteknet.com/london  Venaura Farm
Title: Botanical garden


The North Carolina Botanical Garden, which consists of nearly 600 acres, aspires to be a great Garden as part of a great University. It is made up of three tracts in Chapel Hill: the Coker Arboretum, the Mason Farm Biological Reserve, and the North Carolina Botanical Garden proper. We invite to explore its grounds and learn about its history, mission and offerings on this virtual tour.

History and Mission
Other sites
Other botanical gardens available on the world wide web.

Take a walk with Mullein, the resident cat who helps oversee the Garden.
Mullen is privately owned and provides his services free of charge.
No public funds are used for his care or maintenance.

Thank you for visiting the North Carolina Botanical Garden.

Send us your comments.

Creators of this page are:

Margaret Adams, Jeanne Lauber, Leah McGinnis, and Katherine R. Perry

Last updated: October 1995