
Elizabeth and Crow's Organic Cybergarden


Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Title: Elizabeth and Crow's Organic Cybergarden

Welcome To Elizabeth and Crow's Awesome Organic CyberGarden!!!!

You are visitor number since 07/21/96. WOW!!!

Last Modified: 12-28-1996

For those of you who are interested in organics but don't know how to do it, or just want to read the pros and cons of a healthy lifestyle, this page has tons of columns from their " Its Our Garden" series, plus excerpts from their New York Times Top Ten How To Book " Let's Get Growing", published by Rodale.

I've included Elizabeth's own column "Animal Friends", plus their bio (impressive!) and pictures. They asked that I give some information on their organic farming consulting service, which they feel will really change the way the world looks at agriculture!

A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS AND FOR SIGNING MY GUEST BOOK!!! I've gotten mail from everywhere from Japan to Ireland. Thanks for checking in. I'm still adding more columns for the winter season. Check out the columns on GREENHOUSE GROWING in the garden columns section. More will be on by next week. Happy gardening!!


NOW AVAILABLE!!!THE FIRST ORGANIC GARDENING HOME STUDY COURSE!!Study at your leisure for as long as you like. For $250, you get a complete package of 400 page text book, complete with questions and answer section, plus a certificate of graduation. You can even Email any class questions to Elizabeth and Crow! Please Email me if you're interested!


IT'S OUR GARDEN:Crow's Preventive Spray Program for Organic Apple Trees

ANIMAL FRIENDS:The Legendary Maine Coon Cat