
Land Trust Alliance


 Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Dragonfly Market Gardens
 mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu - mailto:llondon@bellsouth.net
Title: Land Trust Alliance


The Land Trust Alliance supports conservation in communities across the country by ensuring that people who work through voluntary land trust organizations have the information, skills, and resources they need to save land.


Tax bill includes victories for voluntary conservation!
Updated 8/19/97

How land trusts have helped protect millions of acres, and how they can help you protect your land.

Links to land trusts and links for land trusts.

Job openings with land trusts.

The essential library of information on land trusts and conservation easements.

Feature: Massachusetts land trust
teams with Harvard to protect
1,200 acres

LTA News Updated 7/3/97
Field offices
LTA job openings
1997 National Land Trust Census Form

Time's running out to register! Check here for late-breaking news on availability of field trips, seminars, accommodations.


Land trusts and individuals are making a difference by joining the Land Trust Alliance.

Guidelines for operating land trusts legally, ethically, and in the public interest.

The Land Trust Alliance
1319 F St NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC 20004
phone 202-638-4725; fax 202-638-4730
Major funding provided by the Liz Claiborne & Art Ortenberg Foundation.
© Copyright 1997 Land Trust Alliance