Re: Sustainable Groups Spied On By NPPC

Robert Galloway (!gatech!mindspring!!news.bbnplanet.Robert Galloway)
18 Mar 1997 07:30:48 -0700

I may be mistaken, but I think these bill, and there were several
throughout the nation, were aimed ad "scare" anouncements that caused
sudden and severe economic loss to a particular class of producers. It
just takes one journalist to write "apples have alar and alar causes
cancer" to cause tons of apples to end up in the garbage. I think it was
such irresponsible "scare" type pronouncements that served as the
stimulus for these bills.


>The North Dakota Legislature was presented with a bill that would make it
>some sort of crime to say anything bad about any agricultural commodity
>(or something like that). What the sponsors wanted to do was to punish
>people who would say bad things about certain farm products as a group.
>Perhaps I didn't understand the intent of the bill, but it sure seemed
>like a big-brother-esque attempt to silence people who normally aren't
>taken too seriously in North Dakota anyhow.
>The whole issue seemed pretty weird to me...