
Re: Human vs. natural influences on the environment

charliew@hal-pc.org (charliew) wrote:
> A lot of environmental posters have the nasty tendency of 
> only worrying about the variables that "prove" their point. 

Narrowing the scope of a subject to focus on one conclusion
is a human trait.  It is not unique to those with environmental
sympathies.  Rather than talk about meaningless generalizations
it would be more constructive to talk about the data.

> Too bad.  A full understanding of the subject 
> material may require an understanding of dozens or perhaps 
> hundreds of simultaneous variables.  Do you guys really 
> think that you are up to this task?

There are thousands of subjects we do not have full understanding
of, but that should not stop people from trying.  Knowledge is
gained by suggesting a model and then trying to disprove it.
The real issue here is: do we have enough information to suggest
models.  The answer from the scientific community is a clear YES.

If you disagree with the scientific community, then attack
their ideas.  Attacking people should be left to the
political arena.

kowens@teleport.COM  Public Access User --- Not affiliated with TECHbooks
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