
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

All locked up and nowhere to go <cage@critech.com> wrote:
>brshears@whale.st.usm.edu (Harold Brashears) wrote:
>>All locked up and nowhere to go <cage@critech.com> wrote for all to
>>>David Beorn <dbeorn@freenet.vcu.edu> wrote:
>>>>I never said that - all I said was that it was not significant
>>>>compared to the natural sources (you even quoted my statement 
>>>>> : Exactly - human CO2 is basically insignificant compared to what >>>>> : nature produces.
>>>I am absolutely certain that this assertion of yours is dead wrong, unless
>>I think what he is referring to is total greenhouse gas absorption.
>Who are you to tell Beorn what he meant?  I asked him, not you.  From
>the volume he posts he is quite able to answer for himself.
>And what kind of sophistry does it take to take the words "human CO2..."
>and interpret that as "total greenhouse gas absorption"?  If you want to
>start on that, we can add N2O from nitrogen fertilizers, CH4 from rice
>paddies, pipeline leaks and domestic bovine digestive emissions, and
>the synthetic wonders like Freons.

Correct.  However, the response in both cases is, so what?  Atmospheric
sampling clearly indicates that concentrations of CO2 are rising, and
as far as I know, there is no one in the scientific community who is
contending that the increase is not due to human activity.

Tom Gray
Director of Communications
American Wind Energy Association

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