
Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment

All locked up and nowhere to go <cage@critech.com> wrote:
>charliew@hal-pc.org (charliew) wrote:
>>...  The 
>>other group seems to be of the opinion that zero emissions, 
>>zero risk, zero tolerance, etc., is the goal that we should 
>>be setting for ourselves. 
>Then there is a third camp, to which I belong.  This camp looks at
>the increasingly firm evidence of global effects, the huge demand
>for energy and the consequent emission of formerly-fossil carbon
>into the atmosphere at still-rising rates, and advocates "go slow".
>If it should turn out to be necessary to freeze atmospheric CO2
>concentrations at anything close to current levels to avoid
>unacceptable consequences, we have no means of doing this without
>enormous pain and disruption.

Hmmm.  You didn't respond to my previous disagreement on this point--any 
possibility you could do so now?

See the FAQ Section of our Web site at http://www.econet.org/awea where 
an article appears on the consideration of this issue by the IPCC.  They 
find that CO2 emissions can be reduced substantially without enormous 
pain and disruption.  I realize this is not the same as freezing 
atmospheric concentrations immediately, but they are talking numbers in 
the same ballpark and asserting that the economic consequences are 

Tom Gray
Director of Communications
American Wind Energy Association

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