
Re: Gene Tinkering: YOU Are The Mice And They Don't Want You to Know

Reposting article removed by rogue canceller.

DrD wrote:
> Mike Zauzig wrote:
> <snip a whole load of stuff that can best be described as:
> > (Yuk. That sure was depressing.)

Your interpretation of my viewpoint is flat wrong.  I think a curious
mind is a fabulous thing.  However, with knowledge comes responsibility.

> To me, the most depressing aspect of all this is your blatant pessimism
> and disregard of thousands of years of artificial selection and
> crossbreeding in plant and animal species.  Has the human society
> reached such a low point that our highest objectives include stifling
> innovation because we are so risk-averse?  That is a depressing thought.
> Steve Denham

Firstly, a better word would be fatalism. 

Secondly, I am surprised at how emotional the responses have been from
the "gene jockeys".  Why so defensive?  I thought that an open mind is
essential to scientific thought.  Is it so hard to address the concerns
of others.

Now, are you sincere in equating gene-splicing with traditional breeding
practices?  Because, if you are, I certainly have a lot to learn (which
is very possible).  Right now, however, I would think that genetic
engineering can create gene sequences which almost certainly would never
happen through natural processes no matter what the environment. (Please
correct me if I'm wrong.)

My overall concern is this.  If an engineer makes a serious
miscalculation, a space shuttle could blow up.  If a political leader
makes a miscalculation, large numbers of people can die.  But if a
genetic researcher makes a mistake, the consequences are almost
inconceivable.  The entire web of life on Earth could be rearranged into
who knows what.  And, whereas you would think my primary concern would
be for homo sapiens' place in a new order, I am actually more concerned
about the well being of life on Earth in general.  I realize how
dramatic this sounds, but that is how I see things.

A rogue genetically engineered cow can be controlled and does not
concern me.  A rogue genetically engineered germ is different.

If you are confident in your beliefs, and you care about what you see as
public misconceptions, then you need to address these points in a way
that convinces people like me.  If you can't, then you have no hope of
winning over the anti-science crowd like the creationists.  (Oh boy, I
bet that last sentence will bring 'em down on me like a swarm of bees.)

Follow-Ups: References: