
Food Ecolabels

I am working on a project called The Food Alliance based in the Pacific
Northwest that is exploring market incentive approaches to promoting the
adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.

There seems to be a lot of green labeling activity currently, at least
lots of people exploring market incentives.  Many green label programs
address energy use, recyclable content and such, but a much smaller subset
address labeling and creating identities regarding sustainable (or
local/regional, etc) techniques used for food production.

I am trying to collect information regarding different programs with a
food ecolabel in development or actually being implemented.  I have
identified a few programs in the U.S. and worldwide, but suspect that
there are many more out there.

Any suggestions, leads, or sources regarding food (or forestry) ecolabel
programs addressing sustainable agriculture would be greatly appreciated.
1. What programs/projects have a green label for food production or are
developing one (include name and phone number if possible)?
2. What sort of innovative research or analyses has been done regarding
green labeling for food?  Who is reseaching green labeling for food?
3. Who could help me identify the different food green labeling programs?
(nonprofits, government, farmer groups, industry groups,
processing/retailing groups, etc. both in the U.S. and elsewhere)

I would appreciate any information or assistance you can provide.  I can
be reached at jfawcett@u.washington.edu or via telephone at (360)
902-1882.  Thank you.

John Fawcett-Long
The Food Alliance