
Re: herbs

In a message dated 11/11/96 7:48:06 PM, kakF92@hamp.hampshire.edu (Kelly A
Keenan) wrote:

<<Can anyone help me find information and/or resources about the commerical 
growing of herbs for tea? (ex. mints, chamomile, hibiscus, etc)  I am 
especially interested in the drying and processing of herbs, as well as 
disease/pest management, identification of species that can be grown in the 
Northeast, and location of processing equipment. I am looking at growing 
10-20 acres of herbs, so I need information that will be applicable to my 
size operation.>>

Ditto for the Southeast.  We have 5 acres available for such cash crops and
more as soon as we build chinampas.

For Mother Earth, Dan Hemenway, Yankee Permaculture Publications (since
1982), Elfin Permaculture workshops, lectures, Permaculture Design Courses,
consulting and permaculture designs (since 1981), and now permaculture
training in an email classroom. Copyright, 1996, Dan & Cynthia Hemenway.
YankeePerm@aol.com  P.O. 2025, Ocala FL 3447-2025 USA.

We don't have time to rush.
