
Re: The Limits To Growth

On 17 Nov 1996 20:50:40 GMT, yuku@io.org (Yuri Kuchinsky) wrote:

>: Sloppy use of language seems to be inherent among certain philosophical
>: groups.   Personally, I think Roman Catholicism does man a great
>: disservice, however, to claim the Pope is a criminal is sheer blather.  You
>: may call him immoral, unethical, ignorant, anachronistic, or even evil, if
>: you wish.  But criminality requires transgression of a law, which seems to
>: be missing in this case.  
>How about complicity in the cover-up of the murder of his predecessor,
>John-Paul I, who died in extremely strange circumstances after 33 days in

You really are off in the deep end Yuri!

I thought I might have crossed the line the other day when I asked you
about the role of the Trilateral Commission and the Jews in this
conspiracy, but looks like I wasn't very far off the mark.

I though it was the Greys who wanted John-Paul I dead.

Brian Carnell                   http://www.carnell.com/
