
Re: Economists on ecology (Re: GOODBY MIKE!)

George Antony Ph 93818 wrote:
> mfriesel@ix.netcom.com writes:

> All this is indeed theoretically possible.  However, when you put together
> the error terms of the individual estimates, the calculated final number
> will become pretty meaningless.

I reply:

Please ive me an example of the range of error in a given variable, 
and how you calculated it....

You continue:

> Again, your argument assumes that the calculated human carrying capacity is
> suitable for quantitative analysis and qualifies as scientific data.  I am
> not alone with my reservations about that.

I reply:

Since your alternative is to replace numeric calcualtion based on 
available data with nothing, I don't think you have much of a 
collective leg to stand on, analytically speaking.

You continue:

> to economic analysis is that it is too simplistic, speculative and so "un-
> scientific" that it is too prone to error.  Weel, I have encountered few
> pieces of economic analysis that were more simplistic, speculative and
> potentially erreneous than the suggested 'estimation' of human carrying
> capacity.

I reply:

Every crystal ball gazer, astrologist, sci-fi nut, and palm reader 
says the same thing.

> George Antony
