
waste technology

This information is based on Recycled Agricultue Waste technology.

Sphere Corporation, a Texas manufacturer of environmentally friendly
insecticides and soil builders, announced the completion of registration
for sale its first insecticide for Fire Ants in the Gulf States.

In addition to the fire ant insecticide, we are proud to announce the
completion of registration of True Stop White Fly insecticide, the company
manufactures and markets a liquid sterilised and odourised cow manure,
through a technology licensing agreement. All products are based on
agriculture waste. Sphere is also working in Mexico,  Central America and
other locations.

True Growth and Moo Dew (commercial, agriculture & retail) liquid manure
extract should be available to U.S. users by May 15, 1997. Current
expansion project, when completed, will boost production capacity over
levels providing nearly 6,000,000 gallons of concentrate available for sale
in the first phase.

Research into Spider Mites, Med Fly, Leaf Cutting Ants, and many other
insects continue to show promising results. The company is currently
conducting IPM test with several potential joint venture partners and
countries. Manufacturing Plants are currently being looked at in other

Sphere Corporation
Rt 4 Box 172
Georgetown, Texas 78628    Phone 512-515-6032  Fax 512-778-5756