
Re: Incan Crops

mmirro (mmirro@vt.edu) wrote:
: I am looking for any information on crops of the Andes that
: were cultivated by the Incas.  Information on cropping systems
: would also be helpful as well as historical use of the plants.

A good starting point, IMHO, is the book _Lost Crops of the Incas_ (ISBN 
0-309-04264-X) from the National Research Council. This report was 
published in 1989 by the National Academy Press and is probably still in 
print. I know the NAP has an 800 number, but I don't recall it. Check 
http://wwq.att.com for their number.

Bob Batson				L 39 12 14 N  94 33 16 W
bob@interstate.net			Kansas City
bob.batson@sound.com			USDA zone 5
Under the most controlled conditions, the experimental apparatus will
do exactly as it pleases.
