
Re: Alternatives to New Farm

Thanks to Irwin Weintraub for that list of magazines.
Unfortunately, I don't think many even come close to being able to replace the
New Farm unless they change format. I know that Farm Journal, or any of the Farm
Progress publications will certainly not fill the void.
Many of those magazines listed are just regional, or more specialized.
Some are only on the fringe, as far as being closely related to agriculture.
I suppose it might be possible to continue to receive all the information that
was in the New Farm, if one could afford to subscribe to ca. 25-50 magazines.
When would you have time to read them? One might resort to the public library,
but in rural areas, their budgets are more limited than in the city. Driving to
the next best library may involve to much time, etc.
I wonder, if anyone from Rodale is subscribed to sanet-mg? At any rate, it would
be a good idea to call or write them and express your opinion.
Alan Furchtenicht