
Re: Inquiry on Non-Governmental Organizations

From:	IN%"ancha@jircas-os.affrc.go.jp"  2-JUN-1995 04:39:36.00
To:	IN%"sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu"
CC:	IN%"ancha@jircas-os.affrc.go.jp"
Subj:	Inquiry on Non-Governmental Organizations

Dear SANetters:

Is there any published/privately compiled list of Non-Governmental 
Organizations working in the field of sustainable agriculture and 
rural development? I would greatly appreciate any information on this. 
If no such list is availble, our organization wishes to compile one. 
In that case, please send brief information relevant to each agency
in various countries. 

Thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Ancha Srinivasan
* ANCHA Srinivasan, Ph.D. (Cantab.)              *
* Japan International Research Center            *
*   for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)           *
* Okinawa Subtropical Station                    *
* Maezato, Ishigaki, Okinawa 907 JAPAN           *
* Tel: +81-9808-22306  Fax: +81-9808-20614       *
* E-Mail (Internet): ancha@jircas-os.affrc.go.jp *

Yes, there are several directories with information on NGOs in
sustainable agriculture

Healthy Harvest: A Global Directory of Sustainable Agriculture and
Horticulture Organizations. Washington, DC, Healthy Harvest Society.
4th edition. 1992 .  194 p.
Covers organizations, agencies, farms and programs around the world
involved in sustainable agriculture.  (A new edition is in progress and
should be available later this year).

Planting the Future: A Resource Guide to Sustainable Agriculture in the
Third World.  Compiled by Meera Nanda.  Minneapolis, International
Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, 1990.  335 p.
Covers sustainable agriculture resource centers and organizations 
in 48 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

World Directory of Environmental Organizations: A Handbook of National
and International Organizations and Programs - Governmental and
Non-Governmental - Concerned with protecting the Earth's Resources. 
Edited by Thaddeus Tryzna and Roberta Childers.  4th edition. 
Sacramento, California, Institute of Public Affairs, 1992.  231 p. 
Covers environmental organizations around the world in over 50 subject
areas including agriculture

The Nature Directory: A Guide to Environmental Organizations. By Susan
Lanier-Graham. New York, Walker Publishing Company, 1991.  190 p.
Descriptions of 120 environmental organizations in the United States
working to stem the destruction of the environment and seek a better
balance with nature.

Organic Agriculture Worldwide. Directory of the Member Organizations and
Corporate Associates of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic
Agriculture Movements). Published about every 2 years. Tholey-Theley
(Germany), IFOAM.  
International directory of over 500 member organizations and corporate
associates involved in teaching, research, or activities in organic

There are other directories with this information as well. The above are
some of the more popular ones.

I hope this information is helpful.

Irwin Weintraub
Agriculture Resource Libraraian
Library of Science and Medicine
Rutgers University
Piscataway, New Jersey  08855