
Re: Call for FAQs

Two points of clarification:

1) This FAQ will only contain information on books in print. Perhaps
another FAQ could deal with the archive of materials that have been
published in the past, however this would be a very considerable task.

2) if you send material please send it in *exactly* the following format:

Title: Butterfly Gardening: Craeting Summer Magic in Your Garden
Author: Xerxes Society in association with the Smithsonian Institution
Date of Publication: 1990
Publisher: Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, California
ISBN Number: 0-87156-615-X
Specifics: 192 pages; many color photos
Region covered: North America
Description: Much useful information on the design & creation of 
	gardens. Good Appendicies on nectar & larval food plants for many North
	American butterflies.
Price: $18.95

Without quoting the descriptive notes I made etc. This will save me 
considerable editorial work. I would like to be able to simply cut and
paste submissions into the FAQ without doing a lot of editorial work
on each individual entry.


Christopher Majka
Christopher Majka
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Internet: <nextug@ac.dal.ca> & <aa051@cfn.cs.dal.ca>
Home Page: URL = http://www.cfn.cs.dal.ca/~aa051