From: Sven Geier (
Date: 3-Apr-95 (21:6:30 GMT)
Subj: Message 9

Strange, very strange ...

'9' is a 
       x x x x
      x x - x x        
     x - x x - x        
    x x x - x x x       
     x - x x - x          
      x x - x x
       x x x x
                      (huh? what's that?)


TCans contain two '9'  (eyes?)
One has to be attentive to the fact here, that both of the medium
sized planets contain a '9' in their name "797" and "898". This /may/
be unrelated, but then again...

Why do they explicitly state the number of "9" in this message? In
message 8 they have already stated 9^0^9 - why didn't they include the
count there? Or Is this David Levine supplying more information
because we went so wrong with "9"??


 Time "0"       ("in the beginning"??)

I agree with Michael Neylon, that the usage of the Block here
probably has to be interpreted as all of this taking place at the same
time. I.e. the following sentences have to be interpreted as
statements that have been true at time 0 (whenever this may have
been), but may not be true anymore.


 (TCE and 'm') -m- 3 

Long shot: We speculate 'm' to be "infinity" or "the universe". There
has been speculation, that "-m-" could be "to exist". Since both "m"
and "-m-" are part of "3", I'll tentatively assume, that "3" is meant
to be some God or something similar.
In this case the previous sentence could read:

 TCEarth and [the universe(?)] [existed??] [under God???]
 [God created the Heaven and the earth???]

(Where the number of question marks is supposed to represent the
vagueness of my feelings about this interpretation).

 There was nothing on TCE

So far, this sounds awfully like our good old genesis - and why
shouldn't the TCans believe in some kind of god? A huge number of
people on Earth does so ... (and at some earlier point D.L. pointed
out "advanced? Who said the TCans are advanced?")


If I stick with "God" for "3" and -$- is the verb related to "speed",
this could be "and God moved"?? Maybe more in the Sense of "and God
acted [in some way]"?? In the sense of "did something"?

 G 3 H ?B? ?BCB? ?B? i 3 H -$- G

Is our interpretation of "H" correct? "God and the moving created
water"??  (in terms of "Gods move created Water etc."?) But why this
strange double structure with the "3 H"es? shouldn't the second one be
just a "H"?? Or maybe it's a "3H" as a new thing?? 

Or is it really "God (or whatever "3" may be) and the movement
resulted in God /and/ Water? In the sense, that "3" was part of that
creation (as a part of that "addition" "H") but wasn't consumed in it
(as would happen, when you add things?). God as a catalytic
converter?? Which makes Water out of movement??

Water??? Strictly speaking, "?B? ?BCB? ?B?" is only HO, not H2O due to
the symmetrical interpretation of the syntax (just as we interpret
"BCB" not as "121", but only as "12").

 G3 -*- 2i?B??BCB??B? -*- 3G

If "-$-" is "to move", what is "-*-"?? If I interpret "-$-" more
loosely as "to act", "-*-" would be something like a "strongest" or
"highest" or "most powerful" act. In this sense, I'd interpret the
previous as

 "And through this divine act, TCans and Water were created"


 "...and there was light..."

End Block

Strange, strange ....


