From: Pete Bennett (
Date: 21-Feb-95 (9:46:57 GMT)
Subj: Message Four Status

Message Four seems to be well understood ...

Do peoplw agree that 
% Seems to signify the abstract concept 'TIME'
whilst !%! seems to mean a time measured in some units (call
them ticks)

@ Seems to siginfy the abstract concept 'DISTANCE' 
and !@! seems to mean a distcance measured in some units (call 
them cetemeters)

By analogy, we get to $ being a SPEED

If you use the same drawing conventions to draw the rulers
as we did to draw the Tau-Cetean, then we get

X       X x x       X x x x x

Does this imply that the Tau-Cetean is in fact 10 cetemeters
'wide' rather than 'tall' - I guess he's fairly circular ...

Would the following be a fair working description of the 
message translation so far ...

TIME (%) = 9 ticks ( !%!<num>!%! )
TIME = 26 ticks
TIME = 44 ticks
TIME = 63 ticks
If Q denotes a time
Then Q = 1
6    = 1 x pow (6,1)
36   = 1 x pow (6,2)
216  = 1 x pow (6,3)
1296 = 1 x pow (6,4)
7776 = 1 x pow (6,5)
72   = 2 x pow (6,2)
If Length (@) = 'X'
Then the length = 1 cetemeter
If Length = 'X X X'
Then the length = 3 cetemeter
If Length = 'X X X X X'
Then the length = 5 cetemeter
If Length = The Length of a '0' (@0@) (A Tau-Ceatean)
Then the length = 10 cetemeter
A length/a time = a speed (!$!) (cetemeters/tick)
SPEED = a number ( 702,767,143 ctm/tick ?? ) 

How does line 13 translate ?



