PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

What follows are the subclasses from one class of the Manual of Classification for US patents. As you scroll through the list and encounter a class/subclass of interest, you can jump back to the top and retrieve patent titles by entering the class/subclass in the box below.

Enter a class/subclass code here to get a list of patent titles. Use any of the following forms:
363-131 121-55A 14-.5
that is, no embedded spaces, class and subclass seperated by a dash, and any subclass letters capitalized. Currently Design Patent titles (those in the classes of the form Dxx.yy) are not retreivable.

Enter class/subclass code:

Class Number: 127

Subclass  Subclass
Number    Title

  *       APPARATUS
  1       .Hydrolyzing
  2       .Treating sacchariferous material
  3       ..Leaching or diffusion
  4       ...Combined disintegrator
  5       ...Advancing solid material
  6       ....Multiple stage
  7       ....Tubular cell
  8       ...Diffusion batteries
  9       ..Treating sacchariferous solutions
  10      ...Dialyzers
  11      ...Defecating apparatus
  12      ....Gas and liquid contact
  13      ....Separating tanks
  14      ....Mixing tanks
  15      ..Forming crystals
  16      ...Concentrating and crystallizing
  17      ..Treating crystals
  18      ...Purging and molding
  19      ....Centrifugal
  20      ...Purging
  21      ...Granulating and mixing
  22      ...Melting or dissolving
  23      .Treating amylaceous material
  24      ..Separating and purifying
  25      ...Screens or washers
  26      ...Tables
  27      ...Decanters or settling tanks
  28      ..Cookers
  *       PRODUCTS
  29      .Miscellaneous
  30      .Sugars only
  31      ..Lactose
  32      .Modified starches
  33      ..Added chemical
  *       PROCESSES
  34      .Carbohydrate manufacture and refining
  36      ..Hydrolysis of carbohydrates
  37      ...Cellulose material
  38      ...Amylaceous material
  39      ....With preliminary purification of starch
  40      ....With purification of product
  41      ...Inversion of sucrose
  42      ..Sugar manufacture and refining
  43      ...Extracting from solid material
  44      ....Chemical treatment
  45      ....Counterflow
  46.1    ...Treatment of sacchariferous solutions
  46.2    ....Involving ion manipulation, e.g., ion exchange, etc.
  46.3    .....For ion exclusion
  47      ....Chemical precipitation of sucrose
  48      ....Chemical precipitation of impuritiess
  49      .....Impregnated absorbent
  50      .....Alkaline reagent followed by precipitant
  51      .....Acid reagent followed by precipitant
  52      .....Gassing
  53      ....Physical separation of impurities
  54      .....Dialysis
  55      .....Filtering or sorption
  56      .....Centrifuging
  57      .....Settling or flotation
  58      ....Crystallizing or solidifying
  59      .....Molding
  60      .....Seeding
  61      .....Evaporating to crystallization
  62      ......Return of intermediate products
  63      ...Treating solid sugar or crystals
  64      ....Purging or bleaching
  65      ..Starch manufacture and refining
  66      ...Tubers
  67      ...Treatment of starch-bearing material
  68      ....Steeping
  69      ....Treatment of amylaceous liquids
  70      .....Chemical
  71      ...Treating starch
  *       ******************************
  *       DIGEST
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  DIG 1   Caramel